Thursday, August 27, 2015

Krishna Toddling Periyazhvar Thirumozhi

தளர் நடை நடவானோ -The first Toddling Steps of Krishna
It is time for the Child to move away from the Cradle

Even his Urine is holier than the water gushing from the Ganges, says Yashodha

Having described his various physical attributes in the previous decad and asked him for the special claps with the hands that killed many an asura, Periyazhvar now describes many more attributes of Krishna and the ornaments that he adorns in different parts of his body. With these fitting perfectly on his body, Periyazhvar enjoys the unique experience of getting on to the 'shoes' of Yashodha and her reminding the child that it is now time for him to toddle along, away from the cradle.

'தொடர் சங்கிலிகை சலார் பிளார் என்னத் தூங்கு பொன்மணி ஒலிப்ப '

He has chains and necklaces all over his body. The chains make such sweet music as he sways left and right. The anklets chime rhythmically as he moves his feet.  The Golden girdle around his waists vibrates and creates resonating tunes. She calls out for his toddling so she can watch his lovely movements.

He is seen wearing a conch string around his waist and a tortoise like amulet (lucky charm) on his neck. He is the ever sleeping Lord Vasudeva. He has shining white teeth with red lips and is seen smiling in the evening as the large bright moon comes up in the blue sky.

Periyazhvar compares the child’s robe around the waist to the full moon in the sky. He says that the silky loin cloth and the silver fig leaf he wears around his waist are like a flash of lightening around the full bright moon and the halo surrounding it.

The golden necklace that one sees on him is like the lightening striking amidst that dark cloud.

Periyazhvar then goes on to describe the face of the child. He is giggling as he comes forward and gives a kiss, his spittle flows from his mouth like froth from a can of sugarcane juice.

A rare verse of praise of Krishna’s Brother in Periyazhvar Thirumozhi
This is the first time that Periyazhvar makes a direct reference to Krishna’s elder brother. He compliments Balarama and says that it the elder brother who is setting the pace. He compares the brother to a scenario in the mountain. Just like a boulder from a White Mountain rolls down with great speed and another boulder from a black mountain rolls behind it, Baladeva is speeding ahead while his dark skinned younger brother is behind. Will the young child start to toddle now. It is also the first reference of the world singing praise of Balarama and no praise of Krishna (பன்னி உலகம் பரவி ஓவாப் புகழ் பலதேவன் என்னும் தன்  நம்பி ஒடப்பின் கூடச் செல்வான்).

Where ever he set foot, he leaves an impact of everlasting joy thanks to the blissful ecstasy pouring out of his walks
 (பெருகா நின்ற இன்ப வெள்ளத்தின் மேல் பின்னையும் பெய்து பெய்து).

Periyazhvar compares his young face to the pearls of nectar that open out of fresh lotus buds. His red lips dribble with hanging drops of nectar from the mouth. Once again, he describes the waist band. This time he compares it to the bell on a cow’s neck and says that he produces melodious music whenever he moves (கடுஞ் சேக் கழுத்தின் மணிக்குரல் போல உடை மணி கண கணென ).

Just as a stream flowing down a mountain looks a fluttering ribbon of light, his waist band too goes up and down as he moves his hips sideways.

Gem of a Child
Periyazhvar describes him as a ‘Gem of a Child’ the world has never seen before (மக்கள் உலகினிற் பெய்து அறியா மணிக்குழவி உருவின்). The string on his waist band moves and creates beautiful noise that one cannot miss noticing.

He compares the tiny tot to an elephant calf that plays with the white mud and makes itself dirty smeared with mud. Similarly he plays in the mud and comes back sweating profusely (வெண் புழுதி மேற் பெய்து கொண்டளைந்ததோர் வேழத்தின் கருங்கன்று போல்  தென் புழுதி யாடி).

His feet are so tender that one prays for a soft set of blooming flowers on which he can toddle so it does not hurt his tender feet.

Urine more sacred than the Ganges water!!!
The glow from the red lotus eyed Kesava’s face where the brow jewel falls beautifully is just as bright and swaying as the full moon whose light falls on a river and provides flashes of happiness. So sacred is the child that Yashodha feels that even the urine he passes is more sacred that the water gushing out from the Ganges
 (பேரு நீர்த் ததிரையெழு கங்கையிலும் பெரியதோர் தீர்த்த பலம்  தரு நீர்ச் 
சிறுச் சன்னம் துள்ளம் சோரத்).

Through these verses, he has described the toddling steps of the child that his mother enjoyed and the enemies feared.

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