Saturday, August 29, 2015

Krishna drinks milk

Yashodha calls her child to drink milk

In the 2nd decad, Yashodha wants her child to come and drink milk.

She says that he had forgotten to drink milk last night and that it is already noon the next day. Justifying to him that he will be having a lean stomach, she calls him to have milk (அரவு அணையாய் ஆயர் ஏறே அம்மம் உண்ணத் துயிலேழாயே இரவும் உண்ணாது உறங்கி நீ பொய் இன்றும் உச்சி கொண்ட தாலோ).

 She then says that since his birth, she has made ghee, butter and purified curd and he has enjoyed all of this though she herself has rarely seen any of these (வைத்த நெய்யும் காய்ந்த பாலும் வாடி தயிரும் நறு வெண்ணெயும் இத்தனையும் பெற்றறியேன் எம்பிரான் நீ பிறந்த பின்னை).

Yashodha then comes back to the favourite topic relating to her young kid. She tells him that many of the mothers are complaining that the sons are returning home crying because of this child’s teasing and taunts.  She says it is quite understandable. When a child comes and cries to a mother about being taunted, what option will she have?

When will you mend your ways?
Yashodha says that ‘even his father has tried best to mend your ways but it has largely been unsuccessful. I too have tried but have not been able to stop the nonstop mischief.’ She asks him to stop playing all over the place picking up a lot of dust in the process. She wants him to stop the mischief of ragging others (தம்தம் மக்கள் அழுது சென்றால் தாய்மார் ஆவார் தரிக்கில்லார் வந்து நின் மேல் பூசல் வாழ வல்ல வாசுதேவ  உன்(தன்)தயார் உன் திருத்தர் அல்லர் உன்னை நான் ஒன்று உரைப்ப மாட்டேன்).

A mother will say things for the Child's Welfare
The young child’s greatness is brought out through the episode of him killing Kamsa including the way he destroyed his cart. After having referred to the way he killed Kamsa, Periyazhvar takes us back to the life of Kamsa. Yashodha tells the child that Kamsa had for long been gunning for his life and that he was likely to adopt any approach to kill him especially he may target you when you are hungry. She even threatens her young one that she will live no more if the wicked asura captures him.  She says she always says things for welfare and hence she should not go out to play that day. She wants him to have milk for he would be tired and this would fill him to the brim (தீய புந்திக் கஞ்சன் உன் மேல் சினம் உடையன் சோர்வு பார்த்து.....தாயார் வாயச் சொல் கருமம் கண்டாய் சற்றிச் சொன்னேன் போக வேண்டா).

Mother should hear good things from others about her children 
As a mother, Yashodha is delighted to hear from everyone several complimentary things about the child. Other women have repeatedly enquired about the good things she had done to get a child like him (என்ன நோம்பு நோற்றால் கொலோ இவனைப் பெற்ற வயிறு உடையால்).

In another verse, Yashodha sings praise of him saying every house wife passing that way along with her husband takes a peek into the house looking for him. And then they exclaim that they too would like a child like him. All the young girls passing through our house are reaching out to you to kiss you and absorb nectar from your lips. Praising his wonderful features, she then asks him to come and have milk (பெண்டிர் வாழ்வார் நின் ஒப்பாரைப் பெறுதும் என்னும் ஆசையாலே கண்டவர்கள் போக்கு ஒழிந்தார்).

She ends the day on a positive note saying that whenever she sees him, she can only visualise him as Lord Padmanabha.

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