Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thiru Kannapuram Vibheeshana Amavasai Sevai

Sowri Raja Perumal presents his 'Walking Beauty' at his Eastern Home and provides Kaithala Sevai to the 'newly crowned' King of Lanka on Maasi Amavasai
It was a special day at the Sowri Raja Perumal temple in Thiru Kannapuram, this Thursday (Feb 27) for on this Maasi Amavasai afternoon at this Thiru Mangai Azhvaar praised Divya Desam, the Lord presented his special ‘Srirangam Styled’ walk and Kaithala Sevai to Vibheeshana.

75 year old Sowri Raja Bhattar ( has been performing archaka service at this temple for over five decades and has been part of this special Amavasai Sevai on hundreds of occasions. He has recently lost his wife but unmindful of the setback, he is just as devotionally committed on this Thursday morning,  as he was decades ago ahead of the Kaithala Sevai. 

Surprisingly for a week day, scores of devotees walk into the temple past 10am. Everyone is looking forward to the Kaithala Sevai and enquire about the Thirumanjanam.

Sowri Raja Bhattar’s son Muralidharan performs a detailed archanai to all the devotees who have come there with the flowers, fruits and coconuts. There is a certain sense of satisfaction among the devotees on listening to this almost rare presentation of such detailed archanai in TN Divya Desams.

Have darshan of my walking beauty at my Eastern Gateway
In yet another long conversation, one of the many that this writer has had with Sowri Raja Bhattar in the decades gone by, he narrates once again the speciality of this day. “After being crowned the king of Lanka, Vibheeshana was presented by Rama with his Thiru Aradhana idol, Lord Ranganatha and he was to carry this from Ayodhya to Lanka. On the banks of Cauvery, in Srirangam, he asked Lord Ganesha to hold the idol so he could finish his morning bath. When Vibheeshana could not return within the limited time that Ganesha had provided, the latter placed the idol there and went atop the Rockfort."

"Lord Ranganatha consoled Vibheeshana that while he will have to remain in Srirangam, he will provide darshan facing Lanka in the South. When the disappointed king of Lanka expressed keenness to have a darshan of his special walk, Lord Ranganatha asked him to the ‘Eastern Home’."

It was on the Amavasai day that Vibheeshana reached Thiru Kannapuram, the Eastern Gateway and his wish was fulfilled for Sowri Raja Perumal presented him with a special walk.

By 11am, a hundred devotees had gathered in front of the Sannidhi to watch the Thirumanajanam of the moolavar as well as the utsavar. 

Muralidharan is in his 30s and has been fighting a battle to secure the hereditary archaka service that his forefathers have been performing at this Divya Desam for centuries but he has not yet got the official permission. Unmindful of this, this being his appa’s service day at the Perumal Sannidhi, he delighted the devotees with a patient presentation of Moolavar Neelamegha Perumal Thirumanjanam. 

Sowri Raja Bhattar then presented the Thirumanjanam for the utsavar deity, Sridevi, bhoodevi, neeladevi thayar and andal. 

Koora Kulothama Dasa, a descendant of one of the 74 of Ramanuja, is now 87 years old and has been performing service at this temple for over six decades. He sees this day as yet another opportunity for him to be at the presentation of the Vedas during the Thirumanjanam. He recites the verses of Periyazhvaar relating to sacred oil bath of the Lord ( 

வெண்ணெய் அலைந்த குணுங்கும் 
விளையாடு புழுதியும் கொண்டு 
.....எண்ணெய் புலிப் பழம் கொண்டு 
எத்தனை போதும் இருந்தேன்

In 2016, he had had a long conversation with this writer on this Divya Desam in the decades gone by. He has now aged further but devotion is not lost on him. His thoughts are already on the Maasi Utsavam starting next week and he has conversations with those around on this utsavam.

Thiru Mangai Azhvaar scores a century at Kannapuram
Along with Nachiyar Koil, Thiru Kannapuram is  one of the two Divya Desams where Thirumangai Azhvaar has praised the Lord with a century of verses. The verses from the Saint Poets point to the vibrancy of this Divya Desam a 1000 years ago.Thiru Mangai Azhvaar travelled to temples across the length and breadth of TN to experience both the temple towns as well as the Lord. 

He found something truly special in the people, the festivals and the beauty of the Lord at Thiru Kannapuram for he dedicated a century of verses to Sowri Raja Perumal. He provides great insights into Thiru Kannapuram as a location by the Sea Shore, the unflinching devotion of the people who visited the festivals, the green fields around the temple and the handsome features of the Lord.

Unforturnately, now in remote divya desams such as Thiru Kannapuram, there are not a lot of Kainkaryaparas to support the Chief Priest and those like Sowri Raja Bhattar scout around to get at least a few to support him with preparing the panchamirtham and the like on days like this.

துன்னு மா மணி முடிமேல் துழாய் அலங்கல் 
தோன்றுமால் என்கின்றாளால் 
மின்னு மா மணிமகர குண்டலங்கள் 
வில் வீசும் என் கின்றாளால் 
பொன்னின் மா மணி ஆரம் அணி ஆகத்து 
இளங்குமா என்கின்றாளால் 
கன்னி மா மதில் புடை சூழ் 
கண்ணபுரத்து அம்மானை கண்டாள்கொலோ 

A Grand decoration as described by Thiru Mangai Azhvaar
It is just past 1pm on this Maasi Amavasai, when the screen opened and to the delight of the devotees, Sowri Raja Perumal decked in glittering jewellery and a colour flower garland presented the special Kaithala Sevai and his ‘Srirangam Lord’ walk in memory of the historical episode. Four Kainkaryaparas along with Sowri Raja Bhattar and his son standing on each side made a slow and inch by inch walk to the front mandapam carrying Sowri Raja Perumal by their hand.
This amavasai afternoon was one of great happiness for Vibheeshana for he had just had a look at this special walk of Perumal and the Kaithala Sevai, with the Lord keeping to his promise of providing him with the ‘Ranganatha’ walk every Amavasai. With Sowri Raja Perumal standing in front of Vibheeshana, the Lord presented his mariyathai to the King of Lanka blessing him with his Shatari and providing him with a Deepaarathanai.
                          Vibheeshana - Darshan of the Walking Beauty of Perumal

Sowri Rajan - Darshan with a special plait
Also, on this afternoon, devotees were thrilled to have darshan of the special plait on Sowri Raja Perumal's hair.

Legend has it that a king's presentation of a flower garland did not reach Thiru Kannapuram. To save himself from the king's wrath, the priest organized a garland from his house and placed it around the Lord. When the king found a extra hair in the garland, the priest defended saying that the Lord’s own and promised to show the king the next morning as well. In a gesture of the priest's committed service, the Lord saved the priest by displaying his long plait to the King. Hence, the name Sowri Rajan.

This Thursday afternoon was another occasion when Sowri Raja Perumal provided darshan with that special long plait.

Special Pongal every night
A devotee who used to have his daily food only after presenting to the Lord could not present one evening as the temple was closed and hence presented the food from outside the temple. When the temple doors opened the next morning, the entire temple smelt of Sweet Pongal. To mark this episode, Pongal is served every night to the Lord - another special feature at this temple.

The day had been made for the good number of devotees who stayed till past 1.30pm for this special darshan on this Amavasai day. Many aged Senior Citizens too had made their to Thiru Kannapuram this afternoon specially to have darshan of the Kaithala Sevai, this special walk for the sake of Vibheeshana and long plait on the back of Sowri Raja Perumal's hair.

By the time Sowri Raja Perumal made his way to his abode, the cook at the madapalli had prepared a sumptuous meal and the devotees lined up the outer prakara to be served with Chakkarai Pongal, Puliyotharai and Dhadhyonam even as they discussed among themselves the historical episode and the legend relating to this Amavasai Sevai.

It had been a devotionally intense day for the devotees who had come afar for this special Amavasai darshan and they went back after a satisfying darshan and a stomach filling meal.

Sowri Raja Bhattar and his son Muralidharan head back to their home on North Street happy to have presented the Kaithala Sevai to Vibheeshana on this Maasi Amavasai day.  

Monday, February 24, 2025

Thiruvellarai Maasi Theppam revival

Hundreds of devotees had darshan on Sunday evening of the grand revival after over a hundred years of the Theppotsavam at Thiruvellarai Divya Desam
After a gap of over a 100 years, the Theppotsavam was revived on Sunday (Feb 23) evening at the Pundarikakshan Perumal Divya Desam in Thiruvellarai. Excited at the prospect of having darshan of the Theppam that even their forefathers had not witnessed in the previous century, devotees began making their way to the temple through the eastern entrance just after 5.30pm. The main North entrance has been shut with the Raja Gopuram construction work under way in full swing.

 இந்திரனோடு பிரமன் ஈசன் இமையவர் எல்லாம்
மந்திர மா மலர் கொண்டு
மறைந்து உவராய் வந்து நின்றார்

சந்திரன் மாளிகை சேரும் சதுரர்கள் வெள்ளரை நின்றாய்
அந்தியம் போது இது ஆகும்
அழகனே காபிட வாராய் - Periyaazhvaar's Kaapidal

Revival of Theppotsavam in Maasi
Hereditary priest Kamala Malar Kannan Bhattar told this writer that even his thatha, the 90 year old Santhanam bhattar and the senior most archaka at Thiruvellarai (, had only heard of his appa telling him about the Theppam at Thiruvellarai and that he himself had not experienced the Theppotsavam even in his childhood. 

In the last couple of years, in a bid to revive the Theppotsavam, the rock at the West end of the temple complex was cut cut and dug deep and thick mud removed to create the tank that devotees saw in its current form last evening. The sacred tank has secured back its historical name 'Ksheera Pushakarani' and the Theppotsavam revived after over a century during the krishna paksha ekadasi (Bandha Kaatchi) in Maasi.
While many have a first glimpse of the utsava deity, others climb the steep steps through the Utharaayana vaasal to have darshan of the Moolavar. As clock ticked past 6.30pm, devotees had gathered in large numbers ahead of the procession. Following the Veda Vinnappam, Pundarikakshan and Shenbagavalli Thayar began the procession to the Theppam with Prabhandham Ghoshti members who had come all the way from Srirangam presenting Thiru Mangai Azhvaar’s Madal.

மின்னி மழை தவழும் வேங்கடத்து எம் வித்தகனை
மன்னனை மாலின்ருஞ்ச்சோலை மணாளனை 
கொள்நவிலும் ஆழிப் படையானை, 

The procession took one back to the historical days of Divya Desam processions as the divine couple made their way around the dark Eastern and Southern Mada streets of Thiruvellarai led by the ghee lit Theevattis. It is 8pm when Pundarikakashan and Shenbagavalli Thayar made their way through the South entrance to near the temple tank. 

The Prabhandham Ghoshti members followed their presentation of the Madal with Thiru Mangai Azhvaar’s Thiru Ezhu Kootrirukkai ( By this time a good number of devotees had positioned themselves around the temple tank to welcome Pundarikakshan into the float.  

நால் திசை நடுங்க  அம் சிறைப் பறவை ஏறி
நால் வாய் மும் மதத்து இரு செவி
ஒரு தனி  வேழத்து அரந்தையை
ஒரு நாள் இரு நீர்மடுவுள் தீர்த்தனை- Thiru Ezhu Kootrirukkai

For the next half hour or so, the divine couple went around the temple tank in the colourfully lit float much to the delight of the several hundreds of devotees who had gathered to watch the Theppam. There were many who went as far as the western corner of the temple complex to have a close darshan as the divine couple made their way around the tank.
It was past 9pm when Pundarikakshan and Shenbagavalli Thayar made their way back from the float. It was a grand revival of the Theppotsavam at the Thiruvellarai Divya Desam on Sunday evening with devotees heading back home late into the evening delighted at having witnessed the Theppam that no one even in the previous generations had not.

For those like Kamala Malar Kannan (Vinodh) Bhattar, Sunday was a dream come true with the revival of the historical Theppotsavam in their life time.  Having thus seen the Theppam revival, the next big event for the priests of Thiruvellarai will be the completion of the construction of the towering 125 ft new Raja Gopuram on the Northern side.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Appan Koil Sarangan Araiyar

27 year old Sarangan Araiyar is confident of reviving the fortunes of this Avathara Sthalam of Nam Azhvaar
The Thiru Aradhana idol of Nam Azhvaar will provide darshan on the new Golden Garuda Vahana around the streets of Appan Koil during the Panguni Brahmotsavam
It is just past 7am on Friday (Feb 21) morning. 27 year old Sarangan Araiyar of Azhvaar Tirungari is riding his Royal Enfield Bullet to Appan Koil ahead of Nam Azhvaar’s annual visit to the temple on the occasion of Maasi Anusham. Thiru Venkatamudayan, the presiding deity at the temple, is decked with glittering jewellery, a far cry from the decades gone by when this temple was in a dilapidated state. The flower garlands are long and colourful. 

Hailing from Azhvaar Tirunagari, a lady devotee who has dedicated her life to Nam Azhvaar is playing Vishnu Sahasranamam loudly on her mobile phone even as she guides devotees on the event that is set to unfold that morning. The madapalli that has now been restored to its historical glory smells of ghee pongal while Saranga Araiyar is running around to ensure that everything is in order with Nam Azhvaar just a km or so away from reaching the temple ( 

Takes charge of Appan Koil from his appa
Saranga Araiyar was not yet 25 when he took over the reigns of Appan Koil from his appa Nathan Araiyar, who had some health issues at that time. He underwent 8 year patshala education in Srirangam where he learned the Vedas and Agamas in addition to Nalayira Divya Prabhandham. He has also been initiated into Tiruvoimozhi Kalakshepam. To further his interest in Vaishnavism, he is planning to take to MA Vaishnavism this year. 

Appan Koil is under the one kalam pooja of the HR & CE and Sarangan Araiyar is paid an accumulated salary once  (around Rs. 3000) every three months for the daily pooja services he performs at this temple.
Revival of Panguni Brahmotsavam 
He is all excited about the upcoming Panguni Brahmotsavam when there will be a kalasa Thirumanjanam. This historical temple reverberating once again with Prabhandham Ghoshti is something that Sarangan Araiyar is looking forward to.  The Pavitrotsavam too has been revived and the three day utsavam takes place in Aani. 

New Golden Garuda Vahana
The temple bears no resemblance to what it was 50 years ago.Govindan Bhattar of Thiru Mogur was a regular at Nam Azhvaar's annual Maasi trip to Appan Koil and is delighted in the way Appan Koil has been transformed by Venu Srinivasan from the dark days when he first visited the temple during the Maasi Utsavam in the early 1970s.

In the couple of years since his taking charge, Sarangan Araiyar has used his devotee network to initiate positive developments at this temple. All the vahanas have been refurbished. He has played an active role in building a new Golden Garuda Vahana. At the Panguni Brahmotasvam next month, Thiru Venkatamudayan will provide darshan around the streets of Appan Koil atop this new golden garuda vahana. And in Vaikasi this year, the Moolavar Lord will shine bright with a new Silver plated kavacham. He is also keen to revive the Chariot Festival and the Theppotsavam in the near future.

Venu Srinivasan restores Appan Kol in the 1990s
Venu Srinivasan told this writer on Sunday morning that along with the restoration of the 11 Nam Azhvaar praised Divya Desams in this region in the second half of the 1990s, he was keen to take up the restoration of Appan Koil, for it was here that Kaali Maaran attained Moksham (hence the name Appan Koil). Like his commitment to Nava Tirupathi temples (, Venu Srinivasan is delighted to have had the opportunity to be associated with this historical Avathara Sthalam of Nam Azhvaar. 

A major Thiruppani exercise after 25+ years
It is now time for another Thiruppani for which the HR & CE has sanctioned Rs. 6crores. This is expected to commence in May this year and the rebuilding work should see the temple in a new avatar over the next 12 months or so.

Located a few kms off Azhvaar Tirunagari Divya Desam, Appan Koil comes to life thrice a year when Nam Azhvaar from Azhvaar Tirunagari visits this temple. In addition to Maasi Anusham, Nam Azhvaar stays through the day at Appan Koil in Chitrai and Vaikasi. 

Chariot and Theppotsavam to be revived
While continuing to perform the Araiyar Sevai at Azhvaar Tirunagari along with his appa Nathan Araiyar (, the young Sarangan Araiyar is committing himself to a lifetime of service at Appan Koil and is hopeful that this once neglected temple will start attracting devotees once again like the Nava Tirupathi Divya Desam temples following the large scale Thiruppani this year.  Sarangan Araiyar is also confident that very soon after this Thiruppani, the Chariot will run around the streets of Appan Koil. In the near future, it is likely that Thiru Venkatamudayan will provide darshan on the Theppam.

Soon after the departure of Nam Azhvaar from Appan Koil to Erettai Tirupathi, Sarangan Araiyar dashes off on his Bullet to Aravinda Lochanan sannidhi for the Tiruvoimozhi Prabhandham Thodakkam on Friday morning while his mind continues to work on the revival of historic utsavams at Appan Koil.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Azhvaar Tirungari Nam Azhvaar Maasi Utsavam 2025

On Friday morning, Nam Azhvaar visited his avathara sthalam at Appan Koil before making his way to Erettai Tirupathi to meet his parents on Maasi Anusham

It is just past 5am on Friday (February 20) morning and the occasion is Maasi Anusham when Nam Azhvaar makes his annual trip to Erettai Tirupathi. A day earlier - Maasi Visakam - was the day when Madurakavi Azhvaar found the idol of Nam Azhvaar on the banks of Tamarai Barani and in memory of this episode, Nam Azhvaar had made a trip to the Tamarai Barani on Thursday morning for the Theerthavari utsavam.

Early on Friday morning, the Aathi Nathar temple in Azhvaar Tirunagari is abuzz with a large contingent of Sripatham Thangis at the entrance ready to carry Nam Azhvaar on their shoulder to Erettai Tirupathi on this final day of the Maasi Utsavam. Inside the temple, Bhagavathas and women devotees have lined up for Thiruppavai Ghoshti Theertham and Prasadam with Araiyar Nathan leading the Satru Murai verses. Soon, the Sripatham enter the temple to carry Nam Azhvaar on this long fast paced procession. 

Recalling this day from the 1970s
Govindan Bhattar, who was joined by colleague Ramakrishnan Bhattar (, is present this morning from Thiru Mogur and walks all the way to Appan Koil. He recalls this trip from his childhood days in the 1970s “This was a big day in the year for me. I was keen to walk alongside Namzhvaar crossing the Tamaraibarani in knee deep water to reach the birth place of Nam Azhvaar at Appan Koil, one that was surrounded by big bushes.”
                           Govindan Bhattar, Thiru Mogur

“Those were glorious days with the presence of hundreds of Vaishnavas at Azhvaar Tirungari and the entire Divya Desam was vibrant during this utsavam but most of them have since left the hereditary location. And it is no more the same.”

Nam Azhvaar sees Devapiran as his parents
Legend has it that Thiru Mangai Azhvaar came to Azhvaar Tirunagari to invite Nam Azhvaar to witness the Adyayana Utsavam in Srirangam in Margazhi, one that had been created and organized by the former in recognition of the contribution of the latter. Having enjoyed the presentation of the Nalayira Divya Prabhandham by the Araiyars at the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam, Nam Azhvaar is believed to have reached Tholai Villi Mangalam on the Anusham day in Maasi to invoke the blessings of his parents. As described in Tiruvoimozhi (6.5.10), Nam Azhvaar saw Lord Devapiran of Erettai Tirupathi at Tholai Villi Mangalam as his mother and father.

சிந்தையாலும் சொல்லாலும் செய்கையினாலும் 
தேவ பிரானையே 
தந்தை தாய் என் று அடைந்த 
வன் குருகூர் அவர் சடகோபன் சொல் 

முந்தை ஆயிரத்துள் இவை 
தொலை வில்லி மங்கலத்தை சொன்ன
செந்தமிழ் பத்தும் வல்லார் 
அடிமை செய்வார் திருமாலுக்கே 

In the decades gone by, prior to Venu Srinivasan's transformation restoration of the twin temples (, this annual trip of Nam Azhvaar to Tholai Villi Mangalam was the only festival celebrated at Erettai Tirupathi and hence assumed great significance.

The first stop at Appan Koil
Thiruvenkata Mudayan of Appan Koil was the aradhana idol of Nam Azhvaar’s father. Hence on his way to Erettai Tirupathi, Nam Azhvaar made a halt at this temple evoking memories of his father's sincere devotion rendered to the Lord at this temple. There is a Nam Azhvaar avathara mandapam inside this temple.
Nam Azhvaar was welcomed at Appan Koil by Araiyar Sarangan, the 27 year old son of Nathan Araiyar who has taken over the performance of daily Thiru Aradhana at this temple. There are a couple of mandagapadis in this historic birth place of Nam Azhvaar and it is 8am when he entered the temple for his first stop over on the day.
                         Nam Azhvaar at Appan Koil

It is a temple that has been restored to its historic glory and Govindan Bhattar says that it bears no resemblance to what it was in the 1970s “In addition to the restoration of Nava Tirupathi temples, TVS’ Venu Srinivasan has transformed this temple beyond recognition. From the dark, unlit days in the decades gone by, this is now beautifully maintained” Govindan Bhattar, who performed the role of Ekanki at Tirupathi for a decade and a half before his role as archaka at Thiru Mogur, recalled to this writer at the Appan Koil madapalli on Friday morning.

Hot Pongal is served to the Sripatham Thangis for their early morning 90 minute effort. The Vaishnavas and Bhagavathas too are presented the sacred Thaligai from the madapalli, that too has seen a transformation.

A grand welcome by Aravinda Lochanan 
The energised Sripatham are back to carry Nam Azhvaar to Erettai Tirupathi and first to Aravinda Lochana Sannidhi. The Prabhandham Ghoshti are present in good numbers and for 45minutes they present the tenth canto of Nam Azhvaar’s Tiruvoimozhi led by Araiyars Nathan and Sarangan. For the first time, the entire pathway from Aravinda Lochana Sannidhi is decked with pushpa alankaram.
The garland of Aravinda Lochanan is presented to Nam Azhvaar and following the Theertham Prasadam, Nam Azhvaar went South to the Northern banks of Tamaraibarani where Devapiran himself, who Nam Azhvaar saw as his own father and mother, came out of the temple to welcome and receive him. After Nam Azhvaar went around the temple complex, both stationed themselves at the alankaram mandapam bringing to end the morning session.

திருந்து  வேதமும் வேள்வியும்
திரு மா மகளிரும் தாம் மலிந்து 
இருந்து வாழ் பொருநல் வடகரை 
வண் தொலை வில்லி மங்கலம் 
                               Aravinda Lochanan

The TVS touch to Erettai Tirupathi
The devotees are treated to a sumptuous lunch at the Devapiran temple following which quite a few take rest at the office of the TVS. The entire Erettai Tirupathi, the biggest restoration of Venu Srinivasan, has been truly transformed. The cleanliness around the temple, the maintenance of the entire area around the temples, the sign boards at various locations make it a pleasant experience for the devotees.

It is past 3 pm and the devotees are back at the temple to have darshan of the Thirumanjanam for Nam Azhvaar. Araiyar Sarangan presented the sacred sandal wood paste and the Thirumanjanam oil to all the devotees who witnessed the sacred bath of Nam Azhvaar. 

The Prabhandham Ghoshti are present in good numbers and they render the tenth canto of Tiruvoimozhi after the arrival of the Thaligai brought all the way by walk from Azhvaar Tirunagari. To this day, the traditions have been upheld and the sacred food is carried on the head to the beating of the drum all the way from Aathi Nathan temple in Thiru Kurugur (6 kms away) across the Tamarai Barani to the Devapiran temple. While easier options like bringing the food by modern means of transport are possible, it is great credit to the team at Aathi Nathan temple that short cut options to quicken the conduct of the evening utsavam have not been exercised to-date.
                   Father and Son Araiyar at Devapiran Sannidhi

So touched was Devapiran with NamAzhvaar’s sacred verses that he presented his entire garlands to the Saint Poet. By now, Sundararajan Bhattar from Aravinda Lochana Sannidhi, a priest who quit a corporate job to take up archaka kainkaryam(, has arrived at the Devapiran temple to participate in the presentation of mariyathai to Nam Azhvaar with Araiyars presenting the sacred verses relating to Erettai Tirupathi.

The entire temple resonated with positive vibrancy following the Prabhandham presentation with all the devotees eagerly looking forward to the Theertham and Tulasi prasadam.
It is past 7pm when Nam Azhvaar after an entire day at Erettai Tirupathi bid goodbye for yet another year. In a final emotional move, Devapiran after providing darshan in a grand alankaram presents all his garlands to the ‘son’ and even as Nam Azhvaar makes his return to Azhvaar Tirunagari, Devapiran waits till as far as he can see the great Saint Poet at the western exit of Erettai Tirupathi. Late on Friday evening,  Devapiran returned to his sanctum amidst the chanting of Ramanuja Nootranthathi by the Prabhandham Ghoshti members.

Devotees including Bhagavathas in big numbers enjoyed the experience of the enactment of the legendary episode of Nam Azhvaar making his way to the Northern banks of Tamarai Barani at Erettai Tirupathi after witnessing the Adyayana Utsavam in Srirangam to meet and invoke the blessings of his parents. The series of events on Maasi Anusham also signifies the conclusion of the Adyayana Utsavam in Erettai Tirupathi. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

Srirangam Station New Retiring Rooms Dormitory 2025

New Refurbished retiring rooms and dormitory with ten beds will be reopened in the first week of March
AC Waiting Hall, Car Parking, New flooring on Platforms, overhead roof and an Aavin Parlour form part of the major renovation exercise
Train Travellers visiting the Srirangam Divya Desam this summer will be able to avail of the modern retiring room and dormitory facilities at the Srirangam Railway station. After 18 months of closure, the three retiring rooms and about 10 dormitory beds will be reopened to the train travellers in the first week of March at the Srirangam Railway Station.  These have been completely refurbished with modern toilets, shower and locker facilities within these rooms.

AC waiting hall, Aavin Parlour, Canteen 
The station itself is seeing a total transformation. The flooring on the platforms have been completely redone and new overhead roofs installed. A new car parking facility is coming up at the entrance. Aavin parlour has come up recently with ice creams, juices and badam milk available till 11.15pm every day on platform 1. A new executive lounge, an AC waiting hall, a non ac waiting hall are also part of the renovation on platform 1. The reservation counter also wears a new look and will be more passenger friendly with transparent glass panes.
There is a friendly canteen service available on platform 1 with tiffen available from 6am to 11.15pm every day.

The entrance to the temple has also been rebuilt. Painting work is currently on with the entire renovation work at the station expected to be completed by this month end.

The station in its new look and avatar is expected to be launched on March 6 with the retiring rooms and dormitories thrown open to passengers from that day. Passengers can book these rooms and beds online on IRCTC by entering the PNR number.

A Sour Point - The Railway Gate to Singar Koil
One sour point relating to the Srirangam station is the railway gate leading to the Kaattu Azhagiya Singar koil( Till about a decade ago, Namperumal used to make his annual trip on the Vijayadasami day through the Singar Koil street that used to take one directly to the temple entrance. However, when the platforms were lengthened a decade ago, this direct route via Singar Koil street was shut and Namperumal in recent years has had to take a detour through the railway gate in the north ( 

With the ever increasing number of trains passing through the Srirangam station, this railway gate north of the station shuts many times in peak hours including for around 20 minutes to allow three trains to pass. It is hoped that the railways and the Trichy Corporation would work towards finding a solution to this. May be they could explore an underpass to allow vehicles to go to Singar Koil without being affected by the shutting of the gate at frequent intervals.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Thiruvanaikaval Golden Dwajasthambam

A Rs. 60 lakh contribution from CSK Chief N Srinivasan towards 2 Gold plated Kodi Marams and 8 Copper plated Kodi Marams at this Ko Chenganan Chozhan built Mada Koil
Akilandeswari gets a refurbished star studded Thaadagam from Kanchi Periyava
There has been a certain vibrancy all through this week around the Jambukeswarar Akilandeswari temple in Thiruvanaikaval. The 70th head of the Kanchi Sankara Mutt Vijendra Saraswathi Swami has been present at the Sankara Mutt on the North Ul Veethi, 100 yards from Akilandeswari Sannidhi, from this Monday.
கடல்வண்ணன் நான்முகன் காண்பரியார்
தடவரை யரக்கனைத் தலைநெரித்தார்
விடமது வுண்டவெம் மயேந்திரரும்
அடல்விடை யாரூராதி யானைக்காவே-Appar
Under his directions, a refurbished and stone studded Thadagam was presented to Akilandeswari this afternoon after the poornahathi. The earring had been first presented by Maha Periyava in the early 1990s but had worn out and been damaged.  Periyava Vijendra Saraswathi Swami organised the repair of the earring adding colourful stones. 
Located on the Northern banks of Cauvery is the Lord Jambukeswarar temple in Thiruvanaikaval, one of the Pancha Bhootha Sthalams, where Lord Shiva manifests himself as ‘Water’ (among the five elements). Hence this is referred to as a ‘Neer’ sthalam (‘Appu’ in Sanskrit). Thiruvanaikaval is home to Nava Theertham and the belief is that those who bathe in the Nava Theertham on Chitra Pournami and invoke the blessings of Jambukeswarar and Akilandeswari are said to attain Mukthi.

The temple dates back to the 5th century AD to the rule of Kochenganan Chozha, who ruled from Uraiyur and is an architectural marvel with high roofs, five huge prakaras south of the Coloroon, towering Gopurams in the East and the West and Nava Theerthams.

Throughout this week, scores of devotees visited the Sankara Mutt to have darshan and seek the blessings of Periyava.

On Sunday (Feb 16) morning, several hundreds of devotees gathered in front of the Akilandeswari Sannidhi to watch the 7th session of the homam.

Periyava to the temple 
It’s 11am when phones went up in unison on the North Ul Veethi to take photos and videos as Periyava made his way from the Sankara Mutt to the North Entrance of the temple. Camera shots continued unabated even as Periyava entered the temple. 30 minutes later, following the Poornahathi, the Thaadagam was presented to Akilandeswari as she wore a beautiful smiling look with her new abaranam.

Othuvar's devotional recital
Othuvar Srinivasan Ramani ( is all devotional. Amid all the noise among the devotees and the kainkaryaparas, he presents the sacred verses of the Saint Poets sitting in the middle of the homam kundam. Delighted at his solo devotional presentation the previous evening, Periyava called for him and surprised him by gifting him with a Veshti, Saree and anointing him with a shawl with the message: "You have a great devotional voice. Continue forever this sacred kainkaryam at this historical temple."
Othuvar Srinivasan Ramani presenting the sacred verses

Othuvar Ramani has been the sole Othuvar at this temple over the previous three decades and he presented through all the sessions of the homam since 13th morning.
நசையானை நால்வேதத் தப்பா லானை
 நல்குரவுந் தீப்பிணிநோய் காப்பான் றன்னை
இசையானை எண்ணிறந்த குணத்தான் றன்னை
 இடைமருதும் ஈங்கோயும் நீங்கா தேற்றின்
மிசையானை விரிகடலும் மண்ணும் விண்ணும்
 மிகுதீயும் புனலெறிகாற் றாகி யெட்டுத்
திசையானைத் திருவானைக் காவு ளானைச்
 செழுநீர்த் திரளைச்சென் றாடி னேனே – Thiru Gnana Sambandar
CSK Owner presents 10 New Gold/Copper Plated Kodi Maram
Just past 1pm Periyava Vijendra Saraswathi Swami made his way to Jambukeswarar Sannidhi to bless the new Golden Dwajasthambam presented by CSK (India Cements) owner N Srinivasan. Temple EO Suresh told this writer that the CSK owner had presented all the 8 new copper plated kodi maram and 2 gold plated kodi maram.
              N Srinivasan with CSK CEO KS Viswanathan

The First Maada Koil
Thiruvanaikaval is the first of the ‘Maada Koils’ built by Kochenganan. In recognition of his great contribution to temple architecture and as the one who built the Thiruvanaikaval temple, Kochenganan’s idol is seen inside the temple.

Two devotees – Pushpavana and Mayavana - of Lord Shiva were involved in the process of plucking flowers from the Nandavanam and presenting to the Lord. One day, an argument arose between the two as to who had presented more flowers and they ended up killing each other in the fight that ensued. But having been true devotees through their lives, Lord Shiva provided them darshan at Kailasam and blessed them into birth as a spider and elephant in this Gajaranya Kshetram.

Provided with an opportunity to serve the Lord, the Spider provided shade to the Lord through its cobweb, while the elephant performed pooja removing all the dirt around the lord, bringing water for Abhishekam, plucking flowers and fruits and providing sandalwood.

One day, angered at finding a cobweb above the Lord, the elephant swung his tail and hit out at the web as he saw it as dirt. In retaliation, the spider entered the nose of the elephant. Stung with unbearable pain, the elephant died. The spider caught inside elephant’s body too died of suffocation.

And for the 2nd time, they entered Kailasam. When asked for a wish, the elephant asked for this place where he performed pooja with sincerity to be named after him. Hence this place came to be called Thiru ‘Aanai’ Kaval.

The spider asked to be born as a King who would build everlasting temples.

Ko Chenganan builds
The spider was thus born as Kochenganan Chozhan ( in the Chozha dynasty. His parents were childless. An astrologer suggested that if the child was born during a specific time slot, he would become a great king and serve the Lord through his lifetime. Unfortunately, his mother Kamalavathi was slated for a pre delivery. Determined to have the child only during the specified slot, she asked her maids to tie her and hang here upside down till the specified time arrived. And thus she ensured that her son was born at that specified time. As the blood circulation had been disrupted, the child was born with red eyes. The mother called him ‘Ko’ ‘Chenganan’ (the one with red eyes) and died immediately after his birth. It was his aunt who took care of him through his childhood.

Ko Chenganan built over 70 Saivite temples and is also credited with building Nachiyar Koil, the first Vaishnavite temple built by him. With two life time incidents of having fought with the elephant, he carried his anger into this life as well. All of the Saivite temples built by him were such that the elephant could not enter. It was either a small entrance into the sanctum or a high rise that an elephant could not climb. Such temples with either a narrow passage or high rise are referred to as Maada Koils.
செம்பொன் மேனிவெண் ணீறணி வானைக்
 கரிய கண்டனை மால்அயன் காணாச்
சம்பு வைத்தழல் அங்கையி னானைச்
 சாம வேதனைத் தன்னொப்பி லானைக்
கும்ப மாகரி யின்னுரி யானைக்
 கோவின் மேல்வருங் கோவினை எங்கள்
நம்ப னைநள் ளாறனை அமுதை
 நாயி னேன்மறந் தென்நினைக் கேனே.
Ruling from Uraiyur, the then capital of the Chozhas, Ko Chenganan crossed the Cauvery and found an idol of Shiva beneath the tree. He also remembered his life as a spider when he had provided shade right above. His devotion touched a peak and he built Thiruvanaikal as his first Saivite temple. He then went on to build several more in the Chozha kingdom including the Maada Style temple at Nachiyar Koil that is very different from the typical Vishnu temple in terms of architecture.

A Glorious Development 
This has been a mementos day for Thiruvanaikaval and a significant turnaround for this first Mada Koil built by Ko Chenganan Chozhan. This most expensive donation to the tune of over Rs. 60 Lakhs is also a sign of the changing times and the continuing devotional wave that is sweeping TN temples. The presence of Periyava each day of this week added to the devotional flavour with disciples from across the state visiting the Akilandeswari Sannidhi adding to the crowd.

New EO bets on positive initiatives 
Temple EO Suresh, who took charge only three months ago, is all excited at the prospects of developmental initiatives at this temple and believes that today’s installation is only the first of the many positive developments that are likely to take place at this historical Mada Koil.

And that is a good sign for all the Kainkaryaparas of the temple who for long had been left behind many of their counterparts in more popular temples.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Srirangam Temple Abaranam shortfall Priests' letter

The Hereditary Priests of the Ranganathaswamy temple have today written to the HR & CE EO requesting him to source the Original Abaranams that can be used on specific occasions during the Utsavams
Will the JC take immediate action to get the original decorative ornaments for the utsava deity
During the Era Pathu utsavam last month at the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam, issues were raised about priests using artificial decorative ornaments on Namperumal against the historical practice. When the issue was thus raised in public, the HR & CE representatives, as has been the case in the past, passed on the responsibility to the priests. When this writer enquired about this during the Era Pathu utsavam (, a hereditary priest said that original decorative pieces were not available at the temple. 

In response to the issues raised during the Adyayana utsavam, the hereditary priests of the temple today (Saturday - Feb 15) sent an official letter to the EO of the temple. In the letter,  the priests have pointed out the list of decorative ornaments that are not part of the jewellery kit and the originals of those that have to be sourced.

HR & CE to source original ornaments
Some of these include original kavariman sowri, Chandira-Surya Netri Chutti (an ornament on the forehead), Netripattai, Muththupattai, Kondaipattai for Perumal and Nal Muthu Paavadai for Ranganayaki Thayar. 

Previous Priests' letters went unattended!!!
This is not the first time that the hereditary priests have brought this to the notice of the HR & CE officials. Even in the past, in the years goneby, they had pointed out to the JC of the temple about the shortfall in ornaments that are draped on Namperumal on specific utsavam occasion but the HR & CE did not take any action on this front.

This Saturday evening, the priests have once again officially requested the EO of the temple to source the specific original ornaments for Namperumal and Ranganayaki.

While the HR & CE officials have conveniently passed on the buck to the priests when issues are raised by the public regarding alankaram of Namperumal during processions, they have not acted upon the requests of the very same priests in the past. 

In the recent past, two exorbitantly expensive kreedam and diamond necklace ( were presented to the temple and those were draped on Namperumal on the occasion of Kaisika Ekadasi and the 2nd day of the Era Pathu utsavam.
It is hoped that JC Mariappan ( who has generally been swift in taking appropriate action will initiate the process of sourcing the ornaments immediately so the original ornaments can be draped on Namperumal and the priests can be saved the embarrassment of facing awkward questions from the devotees. 

The HR & CE has also been silent in the recent past on the delayed conduct of utsavams and return of Namperumal arising out of longish presentation of Veda Vinnappam, the most recent being on the 7th day (night!!!) of the Thai Bhoopathi Thirunaal.

This section will track the action of the HR & CE on this front.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Srirangam Thai Bhoopathi Thirunaal 2025

Namperumal enjoyed Prabhandham Ghoshti's Ramanuja Nootranthathi presentation sans musical instruments around Srirangam's Uthira Streets 
On Tuesday evening, he made a rare entry via Periya Vachan Pillai Sannidhi and strode alongside the 1000 pillared mandapam to reach the Ramanuja Sannidhi

Its Thai Poosam, a day when Samayapuram Mariamman ( made her way to the banks of Kollidam and received gifts from her brother Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam. Its also the final day of the Thai Bhoopathi Thirunaal utsavam at the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam. It’s a day marked by a street procession sans the nadaswaram and all other musical instruments with Namperumal listening to the presentation of Ramanuja Nootranthathi by Prabhandham Ghoshti members led by Kapisthalam Sampath Ramanujam ( around the four Uthira streets.

Four trips to Thayar Sannidhi
Its an utsavam when Namperumal had already made it to the Thayar Sannidhi on three days staying through the day at Navarathri Mandapam on day 2, the Karuthurai Mandapam directly opposite Ranganayaki Thayar on day 3 and almost through the night at the Panguni Uthiram Mandapam on the 7th day of the utsavam after he confirmed the measurement of Paddy earlier in the evening.

On this 10th and final day of the utsavam, shortly after 6pm, the Prabhandham Ghoshti members began presentation of the Ramanuja Nootranthathi verses in front of the Ranga Ranga Gopuram. Unlike the previous days of the street processions, there were no elephants or horses in this evening's procession. Neither were there the Nadaswaram artistes. It was an exclusive evening for the Prabhandham members rendering the sacred verses of Thiruvarangath Amudanar much to the delight of Namperumal. 

பூ மன்னு  மாது பொருந்திய மார்பன் 
புகழ் மமலிந்த பாமன்னு  மாறன் அடிபணிந்து உய்ந்தவன்
பல்கலையோர் தாம்மன்ன வந்த ராமானுஜன் 
சரணாரவிந்தம் நாம்மன்னி  வாழ 
நெஞ்சே சொல்லுவோம் அவன் நாமங்களே 

Maniam Sridhar loses his voice
The chilly early morning weather over the last ten days (on most days the procession from Kannadi Arai to Vahana Mandapam was at around 4am) combined with non stop shouting during the utsavam procession, both morning and evening meant that Maniam Sridhar had lost his voice by the start of this procession on the tenth day. And he used his hand to direct the Sripatham to stop and restart the procession at various stop overs on this Tuesday evening.

Ramanuja welcomes Namperumal
Following the procession around the Uthira streets, Namperumal, for the fourth time during the utsavam made his way to the Thayar Sannidhi, this time to the Kambar Mandapam, where he was presented with a Thiruvanthikaappu. 
For a few decades, like that Azhvaan Thiruchutru, the pathway from the Thayar Sannnidhi to the 1000 pillared mandapam had lay defunct, until the restoration exercise last decade by Venu Srinivasan revived this historical route ( The beautification of this path led to a lot of greenery but since the restoration this has remained locked most of the time.  On this Tuesday evening, following the Thiruvanthikaappu, the gates in front of Periya Vachan Pillai Sannidhi opened as Namperumal made a majestic walk alongside the 1000 pillared mandapam to be welcomed by Ramanuja in front of his sannidhi just after 7.30pm.
With hundreds of devotees witnessing this grand spectacle, Namperumal was presented with coconut water, to quench his thirst after having provided darshan over the previous ten days around the streets of Srirangam. Soon after, Ramanuja waited back to see Namperumal off till he reached the Karthigai Gopuram Vaasal.

Prabhandham Members' devotional presentation 
It was there that the prabhandham ghoshti presented the final verses of Ramanuja Nootranthi bringing to end the sacred recital at the Thai Brahmotsavam. It had been a commendable effort over the ten days of the utsavam by the Prabhandham Ghoshti with the members reciting the Iyarpa verses even while Namperumal was behind the screen at the Vahana Mandapam after the evening street procession. And they presented the sacred verses of Thiru Mangai Azhvaar through the Chariot procession on Monday morning. 

Padippu - A Thanking Gesture to Namperumal
The Padippu, a thanking gesture for the smooth conduct of the utsavam, too was revived after decades as part of Venu Srinvasan’s restoration and revival exercise. A HR & CE staffer was identified and assigned the task of presenting the Padippu on the final day of the Brahmotsavams. Sridhar ( has now become synonymous with Padippu and he began reading out the greatness of Lord Ranganatha and this historical temple and the utsavams with Namperumal enjoying his praise standing in front of the Dwajasthambam.
After 9 days at the Kannadi Arai, Namperumal finally made his way back to his abode just before 9pm on Tuesday bringing to end the Thai Bhoopathi Thirunaal utsavam.