Friday, May 3, 2024

Chidambaram Divya Desam Brahmotsavam Revival

HR & CE Minister Sekar Babu is keen to revive the Brahmotsavam at Govindaraja Perumal Temple in Chidambaram but Temple Activist TR Ramesh is clear that the Utsavam cannot take place at the temple owned by Pothu Dikshithars
In early 2018, this writer was at the through the night procession from the Govindaraja Perumal temple in Chidambaram to Killai, 15kms away for the Theerthavari Utsavam on the occasion of Maasi Magam Utsavam ( It is the longest street procession at this Divya Desam , with Perumal leaving the temple at 6pm with the Theerthavari at Killai at 6am the next morning. The then 85 year old Theerthakarar Prof AV Rangachari had told this writer that he was delighted that this historical utsavam could take place and the night long procession could be continued at this point of time. Six months prior, in a long chat with this writer in front of the Thayar Sannidhi, he had also expressed as one of his life time wishes the revival of the Brahmotsavam that had not been conducted in the 20th Century.

Prof AVR has several accomplishments to his credit at the Govindaraja Perumal temple where he had been closely associated for over seven decades but the non-conduct of the Brahmotsavam has always remained a sore point for him. He had made several attempts but the Brahmotsavam did not seem to be in sight.

ஊன்வாட உண்ணாது உயிர் காவல் இட்டு
உடலில் பிரியாப் புலன் ஐந்தும் நொந்து
தாம் வாடத் தவம் செய்ய வேண்டா
தமதா இமையோர் உலகு ஆளாகிற்பீர்

கான் ஆட மஞ்சைக் கணம் ஆட மாடே
கயல் ஆடு கால் நீர்ப் பழனம் புடைபோய்த்
தேன் ஆட மாடக்  கொடி ஆடு
தில்லை திருச்சித்ரகூடம் சென்று சேர்மின்களே- Thiru Mangai Azhvaar

HRCE Commissioner order the Conduct of the Brahmotsavam
After several years of back and forth on this issue, the Commissioner of the HRCE (while the Sabanayakar temple is managed by the Pothu Dikshithars, the Perumal Koil is administered by the HRCE) issued an order, in February, for the conduct of the Brahmotsavam with the dates for the ten day utsavam being fixed for this Vaikasi (May 20 to 29).

Minister keen to revive the Brahmotsavam
HRCE Minister PK Sekar Babu has been at loggerheads with the Chidambaram temple ( in recent times including on the issue relating to public darshan at the Kanakasabhai. This section had featured a story on that issue in July last year. He has now taken special interest in the revival of the Brahmotsavam at the Perumal temple and is keen for this to be conducted from this year. 
He told this writer on Friday morning that this is a temple praised by the Vaishnavite Saint Poets and the temple had seen glorious times in the past “Should a Brahmotsavam not be conducted in a Divya Desam like this. Is it not good for this historical temple? Devotees have asked me as to why the big annual utsavam is not conducted in this temple and that is the reason for my interest to revive the Brahmotsavam at this Divya Desam.”

The start of the Utsavam is just a fortnight away as per the order of the Commissioner but there are already several challenges including question marks over the very conduct of the Brahmotsavam.

Brahmotsavam cannot be conducted- TR Ramesh
Temple Activist and President of the Temple Worshippers Society TR Ramesh ( was instrumental in securing back for the Pothu Dikshithars their ownership rights of the Sabanayakar temple over a decade ago. He has filed a case in the Madras High Court against the utsavam being commenced now and is clear that one point alone is enough for the Brahmotsavam to not be started now or anytime in the future “In 1918, representatives of the Govindaraja Perumal temple filed a case regarding issues relating to keys of the temple gates being with the Dikshithars and the resultant challenges in them being able to perform poojas during utsavam times. After hearing all the parties on this issue, the court issued an order in 1920 wherein it said that the Brahmotsavam had not been celebrated in recent memory. In fact, in 1860, the Perumal temple authorities had given up the right of celebrating the Brahmotsavam. This is mainly a Saivite temple and the Dikshithars would open and close the gates for utsavams as existing at that point of time (in 1920)."
As per this 1920 judgement, the festivals of the Perumal temple had been finalised and the civil right of both sides clearly demarked. At that time there was no Brahmotsavam and as per the judgement, no new utsavams involving long street processions that go into late night could be conducted. No one went on appeal for any length of time after this judgement. Matter had been finally decided in 1920 and this cannot be reopened now after over a100 years”, Ramesh told this writer on Friday.

As an additional point to strengthen his argument, he said that a temple practice that was not in vogue in 1947 cannot be started afresh now. "No new innovation is possible in temples and for that reason, the Brahmotsavam cannot be newly initiated now.”

மூவாயிரம் நான்மறையாளர் 
நாளும் முறையால் வணங்க
அணங்கு ஆய சோதித் 
தேவாதிதேவன் திகழ் கின்ற 
தில்லை திருச்சித்ர கூடம் சென்று சேர்மின்களே -Thiru Mangai Azhvaar

செந்தளிர்வாய் மலர் நகை சேர் செழுந்தண்  சோலைத் 
தில்லை நகர் திரு சித்திரகூடந் தன்னுள் 
அந்தணர்கள் ஒரு மூவாயிரவர் ஏத்த 
அணிமணி ஆசனத்து இருந்த அம்மான் தானே- Kulasekara Azhvaar

No place for Perumal Vahanas inside the temple complex
There are other issues as well. The priest at the Govindaraja Perumal temple told this writer earlier this week that all the vahanas are at the Ramar temple on the West Street “We need a place for the Vahanas to be kept inside the temple complex and Pothu Dikshithars have to provide us that space.”

Why is the activist stopping the Brahmotsavam in a Divya Desam
Like he has in the past, Sekar Babu hit out at the temple activist when talking to this writer this morning “If we get the Brahmotsavam going at the Chidambaram Perumal temple, it will be seen as us working towards the welfare of the Hindu devotees as well as the development of the temples in TN. The temple activist does not want us to revive this utsavam as it will be an important positive development for this Divya Desam and a success for the HR & CE. But we will ensure that this utsavam takes place with the appropriate order of the High Court.”

Ramesh told this writer this week that this is Pothu Dikshithar’s temple and they hold all the rights at this temple. “Any activity within the temple can be done only with their permission" says Ramesh.

He is clear that the HR & CE cannot go ahead with the Utsavam as per the Commissioner’s order “They have no right to conduct the utsavam and I will not allow that to happen.”

The court case was slated for this week but has now been adjourned to May 10, just ten days before the Brahmotsavam is expected to begin.

While the recital of the Prabhandham and Vedas is an issue at the upcoming Vaikasi Brahmotsavam at the Varadaraja Perumal Divya Desam in Kanchipuram (, the very conduct of the Brahmotsavam at the Govindaraja Perumal temple in Chidambaram is an issue that will soon come up at the court. Both these issues are likely to see some decisions at the court over the next fortnight.

Ramesh willing to help Chidambaram Perumal Trustees
While the conduct of the Brahmotsavam is a specific pooja - utsavam related issue at the Chidambaram Perumal temple with the HRCE minister keen for the utsavam to be revived, Ramesh has a larger goal in sight. He told this writer that he is eager and willing to help the trustees of Govindaraja Perumal temple and free them from Govt control just like he had done a decade ago at the Sabanayakar temple. And then the Pothu Dikshithars and the Perumal Bhattars can work closely amongst themselves. While the immediate task for the Perumal temple priests and trustees is to see if the Brahmotsavam can be revived for the devotees to enjoy Vahana processions, Ramesh has given them something to ponder over and for them to see if they would like to take his offer to help them.

This section will track the developments at the Chidambaram temple.

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