Sunday, October 8, 2023

Thiru Indhalur Divya Desam Priests

The two dominating priests of the last two decades at Parimala Ranganathar temple in Thiru Indhalur have had to take a back seat in recent times 
Sridhar Bhattar, who played second fiddle for two decades, takes over the reign at this historical temple
Hailing from Thiru Nangur, Sridhar Bhattar quit school when he was ten years and went to the Patshala in srirangam to learn the Pancharatra Agama. He also learned the agama in the Patshala in Kanchipuram. Given the challenging times in Indhalur, he spent his early years at temple in Bombay and other locations. His uncle had no son and handed over his archaka kainkaryam to him. For almost two decades, Sridhar Bhattar played second fiddle to Ranga Mapillai Bhattar and Muralidhara Deekshithar until things turned for the worse for this Divya Desam last decade. First, Ranga Bhattar and more recently Muralidhara Deekshithar had to make their way out following court cases against them.

சொல்லாது ஒழியகில்லேன் அறிந்த சொல்லில் 
நும்மடியார் எல்லோரோடும் ஓக்க எண்ணியிருந்தீர் அடியேனை 
நல்லார் அறிவீர் தீயார் அறிவீர் 
நமக்கு இவ்வுலகத்து எல்லாம் அறிவீர் 
ஈதே அறியீர், இந்தளூரீரே 

In this same phase, Muralidhara Deekshithar’s uncle R Parimala Ranganathan (Sukumaran) Dikshithar from Mannargudi who had been away in Bombay and other temples across the country for three decades made his way back to Thiru  Indhalur. The suspension of Muralidhara Deekshithar led to Sukumaran Bhattar returning to pick back his archaka service at Parimala Rangan Divya Desam that had until then been taken care of by the former.

It was Ranga Bhattar who brought in devotees to the temple at the turn of the century and revived interest in this divya desam.  Muralidhara Deekshithar slogged his way at the temple and everything seemed in order until the court case against them took a turn for the worse.

Sridhar Bhattar now plays the lead role
While Sridhar Bhattar was present all through these two decades, he remained in the background. And now for all his silent service, he has become the lead priest at this Divya Desam performing 15days service at the Perumal sannidhi and another 15days at the Hanuman Sannidhi opposite the temple. He says that his responsibilities have suddenly increased for he has to now rope in devotees for utsavams and to support the Go Shala at the temple but he is geared for this role. It has been over two decades since the last consecration and Balalayam has just been performed. Sridhar Bhattar will also have to bring in devotees for the renovation exercise. He is confident that he will be able to handle this as well. His son who has completed his graduation and is currently undergoing agama initiation at the Nangur Patshala, decorates Parimala Ranganathar during the Utsavams. Sridhar Bhattar is hopeful that his son will soon join him at the Divya Desam Kainkaryam. He himself wants to spend the rest of his life at this Thiru Mangai Azhvaar praised temple. 

Sukumaran Dikshithar  goes North in the 1990s
Parimala Ranganatha ‘Sukumaran’ Dikshithar underwent agama initiation at Tirupathi and Srirangam Patshalas before learning the practical lessons from the revered Kannan Bhattar (Vasan Bhattar’s appa) of Therazhundur Divya Desam. Following these, he joined Thiru Indhalur Divya Desam in 1969 a couple of years after the Samprokshanam and performed archaka service for close to 25years. It was a financial struggle in that phase “There were no devotees but all the priests were devoted to Parimala Rangan." 
He had to take care of five daughters and the financially situation was getting extremely challenging at Thiru Indhalur. In the early 1990s, he moved to Thiruchanur to perform service there and then later performed service at Andavan Ashramam administered temples in Bombay, MP, UP and Bihar and was thus away from this Divya Desam for over 25years. 

எந்தை தந்தை தம்மான் என்றென்று 
எமரேழ்  ஏழளவும் 
வந்து நின்ற தொண்டரோர்க்கே வாசிவல்லீரால் 
சிந்தை தன்னுள் முந்தி நிற்றீர் 
சிறிதும் திருமேனி 
இந்த வண்ணம் என்று காட்டீர் இந்தளூரீரே- Thiru Mangai Azhvaar

Back at the Divya Desam after almost three decades
Now in his 70s, Sukumaran Dikshithar is back at this temple to perform archaka service once again. A lot has changed at the temple from the time he first took over in the late 1960s. Most of the original inhabitants have left this Divya Desam. There are only a couple of adyapakas and theerthakarars who are now permanent residents. Ranga Bhattar and Muralidhara Dikshithar are under suspension. The popular Tula Utsavam in Aippasi will not see street processions this year as the renovation exercise is on.

It is interesting times for this Divya Desam praised by Thiru Mangai Azhvaar in his Periya Thirumozhi and one would have to wait and watch as to how the court case unfolds and if the suspended priests will make a comeback someday. Until then, Sridhar Bhattar will enjoy a full-fledged role at this Divya Desam with all the responsibilities bestowed on him. He had been serving silently since the time he joined this temple over two decades ago. His elevation and now playing the lead role is a way of Parimala Ranganathar blessing a sincere kainkaryapaka who performed his archaka service for a long time almost unnoticed.

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