Friday, October 16, 2009

ThiruKatkarai Divya Desam near Kochi

Vamana Kshetram

Located 10kms North East of Ernakulam, close to the Science and Technology University near Edapalli is the 1200 year old Thiru Katkarai Appan Divya Desam where Lord Vishnu displays his Vamana Avatar to the devotees.

The story goes that Lord Kaatkarai Appan came here as a Vamana Moorthy to end the troubles caused by King Bali. To mark this event, it is believed that Lord Vishnu visits this Divya Desam every year on the Thiruvonam day in Aavani.

This is known as a Vamana Kshetram. Katkarai Appan is seen with Conch, Chakra and Padma Hastam.

Bali is said to have invoked Lord Shiva every day. Hence, one can see a Paramasivan Sannidhi to the right of the Perumal Sannidhi, with Bali seen invoking the blessings of Sivan.

Special Plantain Trees

Another story goes that a King tried to plant several plantain saplings but none grew into a full fledged tree. He then decided to present the Lord Katkarai Appan with a Golden Plantain Sapling.

Pleased with the commitment of the devotee, the Lord is said to have blessed him with a huge number of well grown special plantain trees at this place, now referred to as ‘Nenthram banana’.


Onam is the biggest Festival at this temple

Quick Facts

Deity : Katkarai Appan Standing Posture
Goddess : Perunchelva Naayaki, Vaathsalya Valli
Azhvaar : NamAzhvaar- 11( 3612-22)
Temple Time : 5am-11am and 5pm-8pm

Priest : S. Venkatan @ 99952 16368 or 97475 36161

Manager : Vinod @ 94462 05706

President : Janardhan @ 0484 257 6653

How to reach Thiru Kakkara:

4kms from Edapalli railway station
An auto to the Divya Desam will cost Rs.100/- from Ernakulam Railway Station
A taxi-to and fro- from Ernakulam railway station will cost Rs.300-350/-.

There are direct buses from Ernakulam Town to this temple (Edapalli)

Moozhikalam Divya Desam is about 25kms West of here.

Cab for Thiru Katkarai and Thiru Moozhikalam @ 9846043666


Unknown said...

Thank 🙏💕

Unknown said...

Thanks planning to visit that place right now

Prabu D said...

Thank you for the post. It very useful was useful during my recent visit. My journey was as follows:
1st day afternoon: Covered Trivandrum. There is a museum near temple depicting Travancore king's history and it was very nice. Annaporana hotel ~400 metres from temple (near Pazhavangadi Ganapathi Temple) serves very good vegetarian food.

2nd day 1st half (can cover in 4 hours and better to start at 5AM): Chengannur temples.
Stayed at hotel offshore square. Hotel is clean and they offer rooms on hourly basis too. There is a hotel Aryaas in the ground floor and they serve good Veg menu.

Availed auto of Venu Gopalan Nair 9400952177 through driver Selvan. Auto fair Rs.1200-1400.
For taxi one can reach Selvan through 9495873541. For Indica they charge Rs 2200.
Other drivers of interest are: Mohan 9946673868, Anoop 9446279788, 8547763079

2nd day 2nd half: Took auto from Aluva station and visited 2 divya desams. Auto fare 1000 Rupees.

Prabu D said...

Thank you for the post. It very useful was useful during my recent visit. My journey was as follows:
1st day afternoon: Covered Trivandrum. There is a museum near temple depicting Travancore king's history and it was very nice. Annaporana hotel ~400 metres from temple (near Pazhavangadi Ganapathi Temple) serves very good vegetarian food.

2nd day 1st half (can cover in 4 hours and better to start at 5AM): Chengannur temples.
Stayed at hotel offshore square. Hotel is clean and they offer rooms on hourly basis too. There is a hotel Aryaas in the ground floor and they serve good Veg menu.

Availed auto of Venu Gopalan Nair 9400952177 through driver Selvan. Auto fair Rs.1200-1400.
For taxi one can reach Selvan through 9495873541. For Indica they charge Rs 2200.
Other drivers of interest are: Mohan 9946673868, Anoop 9446279788, 8547763079

2nd day 2nd half: Took auto from Aluva station and visited 2 divya desams. Auto fare 1000 Rupees.

Anonymous said...

நாங்கள் இருவரும் (மனைவி) கொண்டு சென்று வர வேண்டும் என்று பரிந்துரைக்கிறோம் கக்கரை அப்பா16.10.2022