Thirumangai Azhvaar praises all three Divya Desams in a single Paasuram

These 3 temples- Neeragam, Kaaragam and Kaarvannam- are currently found within the Ooragam Divya Desam temple complex, North of Kanchipuram bus stand. All these three temples have been praised by Thirumangai Azhvaar in a single Paasuram along with Thiru Ooragam. There are no specific stories relating to any of these temples. However, a close reading of the Paasuram throws open a few questions.
நீரகத்தை........நிலாத்திங்கள் துண்டத்தாய் நிறைந்த
கச்சி ஊர்கதை .....நீர் வேக்கவுல்லாய்
காரகத்தை கார்வன்னதுல்லை கலவா
பேரகத்தாய் ......பெருமாநுண் திருவடியே பெநிநேனே
ThiruMangai Azhvaar in his Periya Thirumozhi verse
Thirumangai specifically refers to Ooragam Divya Desam as ‘Kachi Ooragathaai’ confirming the presence of Ulagalantha Perumal in Kanchipuram.
However, when referring to Neeragam, Kaaragam and Kaarvannam in the same Paasuram, Thirumangai does not bring the Kanchi connect, throwing open the question as to whether these three Divya Desams were originally outside Kanchi and were then brought into this temple complex much later, after Thirumangai’s time.
Thirumangai Azhvaar’s devotion and attachment to the Lord stands out. This can be seen in the way he connects Lords from different Divya Desams in a single Paasuram. Even as he is praising one Lord belonging to one Divya Desam, his thoughts seem to be immediately moving to and connecting with Lords belonging to other Divya Desams, that he had already seen.

This particular Paasuram is a perfect example of the beautiful way Thirumangai connects different Divya Desams. Starting with Neeragam, he moves to Nilaa Thingal and then to Ooragam and then brings in Kaaragam and Kaarvannam as well.
Deity : No Moolavar ,Jagadeeswara Perumal(Utsavar)Standing South Facing
Goddess : Nilamangai Valli
Kannan Bhattar
Deity : Karunakara Perumal Standing North Facing
Goddess : Padmaamani, Ramaamani
Vijaraaghava Bhattar
Deity : Kalvar Standing North facing
Goddess : Kamalavalli
Murali Bhattar
Temple Timing: 7am-12noon and 4pm-8pm
Contact : Raghu @ 94425 53820

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