25 years at this remote Divya Desam at a HR & CE salary of Rs. 24 per month!!!
Impressed with his service at Oppiliappan Koil, Krishnapremi 'Anna' roped him in 1996 to Senganoor and Thiru Velliyankudi
From a dilapidated state with no devotees and no aradhanam, the Thiru Mangai Azhvaar praised Kola Villi Rama Temple has seen two Samprokshanams and revival of utsavams with Brahmotsavam in the offing next year

It is just after 7am on the first Saturday in Puratasi in 2021. Ramamoorthy Bhattachar in his 25th year of service at Thiru Velliyankudi is performing an early morning Thirumanjanam at the Srinivasa Perumal temple in Senganoor. For the last 19years, the first Puratasi Saturday has been one of big celebrations at Thiru Velliyankudi Divya Desam with the villagers gathering at the temple for the Paal Kudam that they take from Thayar Sannidhi to the Anjaneya Sannidhi in front of the temple complex. This year too they have taken special permission to undertake this event. The villagers have gathered at the temple and are already preparing Thaligai that would be served to the hundreds of devotees who would be part of the 'paal kudam' later in the morning. It is easily the biggest festive day at Velliyankudi and the grandest of events in the last two decades. In years gone by, this was celebrated big but with the restrictions on weekend events, this was celebrated in a slighly low key manner yesterday (Sept 18). However, the most important development in this phase has been the acceptance of Ramamoorthy Bhattar amongst the villagers as one who cares for their welfare and who invokes the blessings of the Kola Villi Ramar for their well being. His arrival just after 7.30am instantly gets the activity going at the temple.
A 1000 years ago, Thiru Mangai Azhvaar in his praise in Periya Thirumozhi refers to beautiful young girls learning the art of dancing at Thiru Velliyankudi and the sound from their anklets being heard all around the Kola Villi Rama temple.
Thiru Mangai Azhvaar begins his praise of Thiru Velliyankudi describing its location as being south of the Manni River (Cauvery) with one hearing the loud noise of the river flowing through in full force.
காய்த்த நீள் கமுகும் கதலியும் தெங்கும்
எங்கும் ஆம் பொழில்களின் நடுவே
வாய்த்த நீர் பாயும் மண்ணியின் தென்பால்
திருவெள்ளியங்குடி அதுவே
Andavan Ashramam administered temple
Mei Kavalar Mani is turning 60 and has been at the temple for the last three decades. His forefathers had better an integral part of the Divya Desam for the better part of the 20th Century. He has slogged for the upkeep of this remotely located temple. His wife is the one who draws the kolam at the temple every morning. On the first Puratasi Saturday, his son, Ranjith is among the busiest and is actively engaged with the Bhattar in the preparations for the Paal Kuda Utsavam.
Thiru Kudanthai Andavan's walking trips
Mani recalls Thiru Kudanthai Andavan walking all the way to the temple in the previous century “There were no AC cars or buses in those days. While it may be difficult for the new gen to believe, the Mutt Head used to walk all the way from Thiru Kudanthai through the muddy path to this Divya Desam. He would stay here for a week and watch the festivities at this temple. Musical instruments were an integral part of the celebrations here but later they all went away seeking greener pastures. Ten day utsavam saw Lord on Vahana Processions over 60 years ago. It was as grand as it could get and devotees from the four agraharam streets participated in large numbers.”
“The Mutt used to give us over 40kalam of Paddy and that helped us survive.”
Unfortunately, the Mei Kavalar's salary dues too have remained for five years and he does not have hopes of HR & CE paying his salary either from the past or increasing the salary to fair wages.
During Thiru Mangai Azhvaar's period, the temple was surrounded by huge groves of Areca, Banana and Coconut. There were also Punnai groves and Serundi Trees seen all around the temple and one could hear the buzzing noise of the bumble bees that drank the overflowing nectar humming sweet music in happiness.
Interestingly one finds a similar praise in Thiru Gnana Sambanthar’s Thevaram praise of Senganoor, the birth place of Periya Vachan Pillai and the Sakthi Gireeswarar temple there.
பூநிரைச் செருந்தி புன்னை முத்து அரும்பி
பொதும்பிடை வரி வந்து மிண்டி
தென் இறைந்து உண்டு அங்கு இன் இசை முரலும்
திருவெள்ளியங்குடி அதுவே
Huge Banana Plantation in Thiru Velliyankudi
Thiru Mangai Azhvaar refers to the Lord as a beautiful archer indicating the posture of him holding a bow in hand. The groves are lush green with Banana plantation. The ripened fruits were falling down for the Kayal fish to grab and eat. And in that joy of having consumed a healthy food, they danced around in the fields. One still finds the Plantain tree, the Sthala Vriksham, inside the temple on the Northern side of the prakara.
The Lord in Bhujanga Sayanam
Devotees in huge numbers offered worship to the Lord seen reclining on a serpent and holding a discus in hand.
குடி குடி ஆகக் கூடி நின்று
அமரர் குணங்களே பிதற்றி நின்று ஏத்த
அடியவர்க்கு அருளி அரவு அனைத்துயின்ற
ஆழியான் அமர்ந்து உறை கோயில்
Traditionalists move away to the Metros
The original inhabitants of Velliyankudi moved away in the second half of the 20th century and with that went away the devotional vibrancy of this Divya Desam. One had to walk through a 5km mud path from Sholapuram that was full of pot holes. There was no electricity along the path and it was difficult to visit the temple in the evenings after 6pm.
Great Devotional Service of Veeraraghava Bhattar
For six decades till the 1980s, Veeraraghava Bhattachar had been the priest who anchored the aradhanam at the Thiru Mangai Azhvaar praised Divya Desam in Thiru Velliyankudi, about 15kms from Thiru Kudanthai (
https://prtraveller.blogspot.com/2017/06/sarangapani-koil-thiru-kudanthai.html). During that phase, the temple was administered by Srirangam Andavan Ashramam. The agraharam on all the four sides of the temple had been vibrant. Alongside Veeraraghava Bhattar were the forefathers of Mei Kavalar Mani who safeguarded the temple and supported the priest.
The HR&CE took over the administration of the temple from Andavan Ashramam. And then Veeraraghava Bhattachar too passed away in his 80s. Mani recalls the archaka performance of Veeraraghava Bhattar as being a golden period for Thiru Velliyankudi Divya Desam “In his last few years, both his eyes had become very weak and he could barely see but yet he discharged his duty with the fullest commitment.”
Avani 1996 - Ramamoorthy Bhattar takes over a dilapidated temple
Following his death, no priests held a permanent position. There was no salary at the temple and with the devotees having gone away almost in full, daily sustenance became a serious issue. A number of priests came and went in a short period of time until Krishnapremi ‘Anna’ found Thiru Kurungudi’s Ramamoorthy Bhattachar one day at the Oppiliappan temple.
Ramamoorthy Bhattar’s appa had performed archaka service at Thiru Pullani Divya Desam in the 1970s. In a financially challenged scenario, Ramamoorthy Bhattar studied up to class XII. It was a very tough life growing up in the 1970s and 80s. He then underwent agama initiation at the patshala in Namakkal. His relatives were archakas in Thanthoni Malai and Oppiliappan temples and he would go there often for support services. When Krishnapremi visited Oppiliappan temple in 1996, he was impressed with the devotional service of Ramamoorthy Bhattar and asked him to take independent charge of Venkatasa Perumal Temple in Senganoor, the birth place of Vaishnavite Saint Periya Aachaan Pillai, one where there was no priest at that time. He took over at the Senganoor temple on Aadi 20.
The priest (Santhanam) who was performing service at Thiru Velliyankudi was in frustration as there was no income and even daily survival had become a challenge. He too quit and the Divya Desam was without a priest. Krishnapremi ‘Anna’ bestowed Ramamoorthy Bhattar with the responsibility of taking care of this temple as well.

Ramamoorthy Bhattar took over as the chief priest at Thiru Velliyankudi on Avani 1, 1996. Within a period of a fortnight, from nowhere, he had taken charge as archaka in two temples. At that time, even a regular one Kaalam aradhanam had not been performed at Thiru Velliyankudi. He was just 30years when he took over the temple. There was no oil to light the lamp. The original inhabitants had long left the Divya Desam and the agraharam houses were damaged and lying vacant. There were no traditionalists left in the temple town. Prabhandham recital had become a thing of the past. Given the dilapidate state of the temple and the lack of support, it was a challenging period for Ramamoorthy Bhattar. The HR &CE salary was less than Re.1 a day and there were no devotees at the temple.
He began with a two kaalam pooja in the initial years. He recalls those initial years at this Divya Desam “There would be just a handful of devotees each day. With no easy access to the temple, not too many outstation devotees visited the temple in those years. There was just one town bus from Kumbakonam to Thiru Velliyankudi and that was infrequent."
Self Belief to turn around the Divya Desam
What differentiated him was a sense of confidence that he could turn around the temple. It was that self belief that helped the revival of the utsavams at this temple. Ramamoorthy Bhattar used his marketing abilities to position the temple as a Sukra Sthalam, one where Sukracharaiar secured back his eyesight. He also highlighted the one of its kind Chaturbhuja Garuda as well as the Thoongaa Vilakku, the lamp that burns perpetually in the Sannidhi. In 2001, he performed the Samprokshanam at the Senganoor Perumal Temple, after a gap of 25years.
Not received monthly salary of Rs. 24!!!
At Thiru Velliyankudi Divya Desam, Ramamoorthy Bhattachar was handed a monthly salary of Rs. 24/- and three Kalam Paddy, while at Senganoor, his salary was Rs. 45/-. The Divya Desam has 2.5 Veli land but as has been the case elsewhere in remote temples, no income accrues to the temple, now administered by the HR&CE. In the last four years, he has not received even this two digit salary!!! Krishnapremi ‘Anna’ presented monthly Sambhavanai to the Bhattar and that helped in his sustenance in that early phase. ‘Anna’ also took care of some of the expenses relating to the family functions.
For the last 16 years, his nephew Venkatesan has been supporting him at the temple. Over the last decade or so, he has also roped in another relative, Raghu Raman, for support. Both of them stay at his house in Senganoor. Once upon a time there were separate members at the madapalli but not in the last many decades. Ramamoorthy Bhattar also doubles up as the cook at the Madapalli. His 24year old elder son, Sundararajan, has been initiated into the agamas and is continuing the archaka service. He participates in Samprokshanams in Divya Desams that helps the family financially.
Sundaram Finance's Ramabhadran role in the revival
It was around that time in the late 1990s that T Ramabhadran, the former MD of Sundaram Finance, for whom Thiru Velliyankudi Kola Villi Ramar was the Kula Deivam, visited the Divya Desam and found it to be in disarray. He began the process of supporting the temple, the priest and initiated the revival process. His son Mukund Raghavan, of IMPAL, who is now continuing the financial support looks back at one of his early trips to the Divya Desam “It was in an utter state of neglect. The walls were crumbling down and there was only a ‘bullock cart’ road. Farmers used to drink and sleep at the entrance of the temple and it was challenging for us to even enter the temple.”
“It was my appa who helped broaden the roads leading to the temple. He also secured a three phase connection for the temple. He supported financially and helped revive the Pavitrotsavam.”
It was just over 15years ago that the Pavitrotsavam was revived (one is scheduled to take place later this month) and it has become an annual feature. Ramamoorthy Bhattar has also anchored two Samprokshanams in each of these temples. In 2016, Brahmotsavam was conducted at the temple in Senganoor.
Off to the US for service in Georgia Temple
While one utsavam was revived at the start of this century, as with most other remote temples in the state, the devotee crowd remained low. Despite the Sambhavanai from Krishnapremi Anna and Ramabhadran, the financial returns were not sufficient. Just over a decade ago, Ramamoorthy Bhattar accepted an offer from Thirumanancheri’s Umapathy Gurukal and went overseas to perform archaka service at the Hindu Temple of Georgia for a few years (his father in law managed Thiru Velliyankudi Divya Desam during that period). He came back just over a decade ago and has been at this temple since then. Following his return, he was one of the first remote Divya Desam Bhattars to drive to events in a car that he owned.
The Glittering Days Centuries ago
Thirumangai Azhvaar refers to the huge mansions at Thiru Velliyankudi. The pillars were studded with glittering gems so much so that it was even difficult to make out if it was day or night!!!
படியிடை மாடத்து அடியிடைத் தூணில்
பதித்த பன் மணிகளின் ஒளியால்
விடி பகல் இரவு என்று அறிவு அரிது ஆய
திருவெள்ளியங்குடி அதுவே
In the last couple of decades, reaching out to an ‘Oppiliappan’ temple or a ‘Sarangapani’ temple has been the easy option for most devotees who visit Kumbakonam. It does take a lot of effort to find one's way to a Divya Desam as remote as this. But to those seeking to spend a day in peace in front of and with the Sleeping Lord, seen in a Bhujanga Sayana Posture, this Sukra Sthalam of Thiru Velliyankudi offers an ideal opportunity (The temple is named after the legendary event of Asura Preceptor regaining lost vision as Thiru ‘Velliyan’ Kudi (Tamil name for Sukran is Velliyan). Offering prayers here in this Divya Desam is said to liberate one from Sukra Dosham.
Pray with a Pure Heart
Even the cuckoos in the groves were a devotional lot moved by the positive vibration around the temple and were seen chanting the name of the Lord ‘Hari Hari’.
Thiru Mangai Azhvaar says that those who offer worship with a pure heart before Lord Kola Villi Rama are sure to be blessed.
அள்ளி அம் பொழில்வாய் இருந்து வாழ் குயில்கள்
அரி அரி என்று அவை அழைப்ப
வெள்ளியார் வணங்க விரைந்து அருள் செய்வான்
Revival of Brahmotsavam after six decades
It is exactly 25 years this Avani since Ramamoorthy Bhattachar began his service at the temple praised by Thiru Mangai Azhvaar as Kola Villi Ramar Temple. From a dilapidated Divya Desam in the mid 1990s, he has almost single handedly revived the temple with support from devotees. The next mega plan in the pipeline is to revive the Brahmotsavam at Thiru Velliyankudi, one that had stopped over six decades ago. Almost all the vahanas have to be built from scratch. Ramamoorthy Bhattar is confident of reviving the Brahmotsavam next year in Vaikasi 2022. The elder son continuing in temple service is another enlightening development at Thiru Velliyankudi for it ensures that the Divya Desam is in safe hands at least in the foreseeable future.