The All India CA rank holder is looking to take forward the historical Kainkaryam assigned by Ramanuja into the next phase at the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam
He is keen to turn a Veenai Teacher to inspire the young ones to take to this mesmerizing instrument
It is just past 10pm on Pongal evening and a few hundred devotees have gathered inside the Nazhikettan Vaasal to watch the one hour Veenai Ekantham presentation by the Veenai Vidwans of Srirangam. G Ranganathan was just ten years old when this writer wrote a story on the unique standing Veenai presentation during the Era Pathu utsavam in 2009 ( and last night he was alongside his appa Govindan and his uncles to present this sacred Veena Ekantham in front of Namperumal. The devotional mind of this All India CA rank holder, who is currently with ICICI, is all on continuing the kainkaryam assigned to the Sathya Koota clan by Ramanuja and taking over, along with his cousins, the historical service from his appa and uncles.
Early Veena Initiation by his Thatha
Ranganathan had a great mentor in his thatha, the revered and respected G Rangarajan, the former principal of National College. Late into the 2nd half of the previous century, as was the larger trend in those decades, two of Rangarajan’s sons had moved from Srirangam to Chennai into the corporate world, the first in the family to move away from this Divya Desam. To generate an early interest, Rangarajan would often travel to Chennai to initiate Ranganathan into the art of playing the Veena.
Renowned Veenai RangarajanSitting at the Sesha Rayar mandapam, the morning after he had presented the Veenai Ekantham, Ranganathan recounts those early years of his life and how his Thatha created an ever lasting bond for him with the Veena “I was just four years old when my Thatha initiated me into the Veena. Having been a lecturer and later the Principal, he was so understanding of the young mind. He would allow to play with my friends to my heart’s content and when I was in the right frame of mind, he would begin his Veenai lessons. We had a small veenai in those days and it was with that I first started my practice. Every weekend I would practice together with my appa.”
Solo Presentation at 13 in front of Ranganatha
He was just in class VIII when he got an unexpected opportunity to perform at the Vishroopam in front of Ranganthaswamy “My patti had passed away and my appa and uncles could not perform and all of a sudden I was all alone (without appa or uncles by my side) in front of Lord Ranganatha with a big devotee crowd around me at the Vishroopam early in the morning. I realised that morning that actual presentation in front of a crowd is quite different from practicing at your home. I was quite nervous and felt like a duck out of water but that morning went on well and that solo presentation when I was just 13 years old gave me a lot of confidence.”
After the early initiation and mentoring, his thatha sent him to Mudikondan S. N. Ramesh for indepth lessons in the Veena. “My Guru taught me with Sahityam for seven years and my knowledge of the Veena deepened and expanded thanks to his teachings.”
Mudikondan RameshDuring his learning phase, he also had a carnatic music tutelage for 12 years from Vidhwan Senthagudi Jayaraman at Krishna Gana Sabha, T.Nagar which helped shape his initial understanding of music.
He says that the foundation laid by him has been crucial in his development.
Also, for a few years, he learnt songs from Vidwan Akila Siva, an initiative that helped him connect with the Veenai presentation.
Utsavam Keerthanais and Paasurams
He also learned the utsava sampradaya keerthanais and the sacred verses of the Azhvaars that his forefathers usually presented. He made his debut at Veenai Ekantham at the Era Pathu Utsavam when he was just 16 years old “That experience of presenting Veenai Ekantham was such an eye opener. The standing presentation meant that we cannot see the Veenai and perform. Our great grandfather was a disciple of Mysore Veena Seshanna and we follow his finger splitting style of presentation. In the standing posture, there is a weight to handle, the duration is quite long (one hour in standing posture with Veenai tied to you) and we are looking at Namperumal through our presentation. It was an unforgettable experience.”
10 year old Ranganthan seen in the middle ahead of the Veenai Ekantham in Dec 2009While his Thatha and his parents did not push into securing high marks, they were keen for him to explore a professional degree. "My thatha seeded the thought in me that a professional degree would give me the flexibility to alternate between an income generating profession and continuing the Veenai Kainkaryam. I liked commerce and hence thought CA would be a good option.”
All India 10th Rank in CA
In 2019, he prepared hard for four months ahead of the CA final with his intention being just to clear the exam and be certified as a CA. He looks back at that tense phase “I did not want to let anyone down and did not want to be the one black mark in the family as my relatives were all academically well qualified. And despite the preparation and efforts, I was quite nervous ahead of the Direct Tax exam though I liked this subject a lot. In that phase (and I still have it to this day), I had a message written on my white board which read ‘God gives those who deserve and not those who desire’. That gave me a lot of confidence that my hard work of four months would not go waste.”
A couple of days after Pongal of 2020 and just a couple of months before the Pandemic hit the world, he was on a train when he heard the news that he had cleared CA “I was relieved that I had passed and did not pay too much attention to the marks I had scored. But it was my appa’s firm’s auditor who remarked that it was likely that I would have secured a rank based on my marks.”
Looking back on that day when he found that he was ranked tenth all India and second in TN, he says that it was a humbling experience “When I prepared and wrote the exam, I did not aim for any rank. My focus was on becoming a CA. I would have been happy with a 400+ but I ended up with close to 500 marks. I felt that the Divine Powers had played a role in my life.”
There was a campus placement for rank holders and he was picked up by ICICI in early 2020. It has been a roller coaster ride ever since for Ranganathan in the last four years at the bank.
Into the future, Ranganathan is keen to don the role of a Veena teacher to pass on this art to the young ones. And to this end, he is fine tuning his own learnings from his appa Govindan and uncle Srinivasan who he counts as a great teacher and a role model.
He is particularly interested in Muthuswamy Dikshithar’s Keerthanais, especially those containing the Kshtram Paadals and Thyagarajar’s Pancha Ratna Keerthanais on Srirangam. He is excited about presenting these during the Vishroopam in the years to come.
Ranganathan flanked by Anna and Appa
Full time Daily Kainkaryam at Srirangam
His appa went the full distance in the corporate world and retired at 60. But 26 year old Ranganathan is hoping that he will get back to Srirangam lot earlier, so he, along with his brother and cousins, can taken over from his appa and uncles for the daily presentation as well as during the Era Pathu utsavam and continue this kainkaryam at the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam for he believes that no amount of money in the corporate world can equate with the opportunity to present in front of the Lord of Srirangam. He is happy his brother and cousins are all keen and interested to continue this service.
Ranganathan, the 48th descendant of the Sathya Koota clan, will soon tie the wedding knot and this section wishes him a happy married life.
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Noble deed
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