Friday, May 31, 2024

Phaneesh Murthy Infosys iGATE Cheer amidst Challenges

The Blue Eyed Boy of Infosys looks back at how he encountered the accusations and the big challenges in his life 
'Inner Strength, Positivity, a Cheerful Outlook and looking ahead' have remained his trademark  features
Over two decades ago, it was this writer (the PR for Quintant/ iGATE for over a decade) who woke up Phaneesh Murthy at 3am US time with a call to alert him about the court case and a presser announced by Infosys the next day following his exit. That night he was unfazed on being told about the upcoming event and has always been cheerful in his conversations and positive in his outlook to life. He has had multiple setbacks in his life each of which coming at a time when he was at his prime in his corporate career. At Infosys, he was the 'Golden Boy' and a favourite of Narayana Murthy having taken the company global and was the one instrumental in building the Infy Brand. At the turn of the century, he was touted to become the next CEO but he had to face a sudden exit. He took over as the CEO when iGATE was in a mess and achieved his revenue target of $1billion. But at both these companies he had to face exits at inopportune times. This writer had worked very closely with Phaneesh for well over a decade and was surprised with the positivity he brought to himself and to those around him even at a time when most others would have been crestfallen. So was he shaken by the turn of events in his life and how did he handle all the challenges in his life and how has he continued to remain so positive about life despite all that it has handed him. Phaneesh Murthy looks back at his life in a long conversation with this writer on this last day of May.

This story follows the one written on Phaneesh in January this year.

Rattled at the Infy Exit
Phaneesh was on a roll and a glorious growth path beckoned him at Infosys when he exited the firm. So was he rattled in that phase and how did he manage to come out of the shock “It is difficult to say that I was not rattled. The news came as a huge shock to me.  I was quite rattled,really.  But I had the inner strength to face it for I knew that what someone was accusing me of was completely false. When you have that confidence that you are intrinsically good and you know injustice has been done, you will be able to make a strong comeback. You can feel outraged as you knew a lie was being spread around but I had an inner calm. There were many who stood by me in that phase including the family and friends. While I appreciated all of that and it meant a lot at that time, finally the strength had to come from within. Without that inner strength, I could not have survived”, he told this writer as the clock ticked past 10pm.

One needs to be optimistic about life and its offerings
He says that he is an eternal optimist. "When you are falling off the 60th floor and 59 floors have passed, I still say ‘so far so good’. In the 1990s, I worked as hard as anyone in the company. My belief is that hard work and smart work will pay off in life. That is the belief I have grown up with.”

To start off a new business in that scenario of what was happening around him was very demanding. To put that behind and to go forward with confidence needs great strength. Phaneesh always saw what was ahead "I perpetually live in the future. You think of what can be and not what could have been. Yes, the Infy exit was disappointing but I have not spent time and energy pondering over it in the last two decades or so.”

He would have been on top of the World had he become the CEO of Infosys and could have been there for many years but Phaneesh says that iGATE was an altogether different experience and something that he enjoyed greatly “When I came in as the CEO, iGATE was in a mess on all fronts - organisation, markets and the services. There had been multiple CEOs in the previous years and I was shocked to see that most of the employees believed that I too would be another one in that list of outgoing CEOs.”

“Solving a mess is an Engineer’s and a Business Man’s dream. iGATE was an enriching experience and very high in terms of learning. While I had a fantastic time at Infy in the 1990s, iGATE was even better for I played a transformational role and turned around the company far beyond anyone’s expectations” says Phaneesh.

He has a profound view on where life takes you “Somethings go your way and some don’t. You strike some deals by sheer luck. At iGATE, I wanted to buy Satyam but that didn’t go my way. My core strength was marketing and customers but this was all legal (with all the problems there) and I was unprepared for it. When I pitched for Patni much later, I was much better prepared.”

Impact of the External Noise?
How much did the negative noise from some of the senior management folks at Infy impact him in that early phase soon after his exit. It must have been tough to hear not so sweet words from those with whom he had worked closely over the previous years “The reality is I cannot control others – both what they think about me and what they say about me. I simply moved on in that phase and made peace with myself. I have always reminded myself of the famous saying in the Christian Wedding – 'Speak Now or hold that forever'. If we had to speak with each other ( the two sides) it was then. I have never had regrets at the way it was handled at Infosys and have never looked back with the slightest tinge of negativity at any point of time over the last two decades.”

How people change - Life is all about 'context'
But how were the initial months after the exit from Infosys after having been the blue eyed boy of Narayana Murthy “I was in shock at that time for it was the first time I had to encounter such a case. And I knew there was no truth to it. For them too, it was probably the first time they had faced such a scenario. We were not in a good decision-making mindset at that time. I was down for 3-4 months, but I also realised that everything in life is within a context. The clients respect you for the value proposition and the employees respect you for the growth opportunities you provide them. If you remove the context, you will see how differently they behave. What did hurt me a lot in that phase was the fact that all those who used to come home in the US and have dinner and understood me well were comfortable with the decision taken (by the company) at that time. Most of them said that they had no options but I believed that there could have been different outcomes.”

From MES to IIM - views about him changed!!!
“I was the same guy when I was at the MES college in Bangalore but when I moved to IIT Madras, many more became my friends. And even more after I joined IIM A. They suddenly believed that I could solve World’s hunger and poverty!!! Without that label, I would have been the same person but people see it very differently.”

Bums on Seat to iTOPS - he was preaching against what he had propagated
So what was this new thing about iTOPS that he wanted to create at iGATE having pitched for a decade with the customers of Infy with the rate per hour and bums on seat model. How did his view change so suddenly that throughout the stint at iGATE, it was all about the Output based model “In my mind, right from the beginning and forever, I worked hard to create a differentiator. It was the reason why I insisted on building a brand at Infosys. The iTOPS differentiator was a natural evolution of my ongoing interactions with customers. Many of the things they liked at Infy but the one thing they didn’t and that was often brought out in my conversations was the fact that the company put juniors on the job, they took longer to do the job. These conversations led me to thinking about a solution.”
When you go to a car mechanic, would you be happy if he said he would charge a per hour fee to identify the problem and then a per hour rate to find the solution or would you want to know the approximate cost for getting the car back on its wheels. Why is it that in an organisation alone there isn’t a change possible. I wanted to show that organisations need to change and that they need to charge for outcome and not just the efforts.”

Narayana Murthy's iTOPS advise to Phaneesh in 2004
Phaneesh is happy and grateful that the other Murthy opened his eyes to a tweaking of this model and approach “Narayana Murthy met me in 2004 as he was curious to know about the iTOPS model that everyone was talking about at that time. He said there was so much noise around it. After listening to me, he asked me to simplify it. He told me that I was falling into a typical trap that the smartest people get into. The fact that you understand this concept does not necessarily mean that everyone else will, as easily as you. And don't assume that they will be as passionate as you are.”

Phaneesh did simplify his description of iTOPS and in the coming years was able to convince people that this was a model that would gain acceptance globally with the customers over a period of time "Overall I think it had become successful and a lot of what is done now is based on the output model. I tell the entrepreneurs of the companies that I am mentoring and consulting with that once they become passionate about a model, they should put all their efforts in that direction to make it successful. If I had continued at Infosys, it is likely I would have pitched that there as well.”

From a messy company to $1billion in revenues
After clearing the initial mess and having gained the confidence of the Board and his team members, Phaneesh Murthy had set his sights high on the $1billion revenue for iGATE. He achieved this with the acquisition of Patni, India’s oldest IT company. So what was next in sight for him at iGATE and did he expect to continue in that firm even as he turned 50!!! 

“Yes, I expected to take iGATE into the next phase of growth. I was looking to double the revenues to $2b in the next 3-4 years and was confident of achieving that. We had increased the EBIDTA by over 35% in the previous 18 months. I was gearing up for my next phase at iGATE when I was called in for a meeting one morning by the two founders along with a couple of directors. They had come to a certain conclusion and it is usually difficult to change a human mind when it has already made its conclusion. Hence I let it go and was out of that meeting in just 5 minutes!!!!”

Infosys was a big shock for he was cut out in the middle of a glorious growth path. At iGATE, he had achieved a lot including taking it past the $1b mark.  But Phaneesh was moving into a new phase in life and though he did not see this coming, the iGATE exit did not impact him as much as the one over a decade earlier “I was older, at 50, and financially a lot more secure."

He knew inside him that his relationship with an iGATE staffer would backfire one day and would bounce back on him but he continued to see the positive side of it. And he paid the price for it. He wanted to start a new life at that point of time but it did not finally materialise. 

iGATE founders come back to Phaneesh after a decade!!!
Interestingly, the two founders, Sunil Wadhwani and Ashok Trivedi, for whom he had created such wealth at iGATE, have reached out to Phaneesh this year with a request to revive Mastek, a staffing firm that had been hived off from iGATE in 2008 and that is now in the same mess as iGATE had been in 2003-04. “What you did for us at iGATE two decades, we would like you do for Mastek”, the founders told Phaneesh. 

This was yet another example, Phaneesh points out, of context in life. The same founders that wanted to see Phaneesh out were seeking his professional help again, almost forgetting the five minute meeting they had in the Board room!!! 

Phaneesh is one who does not carry too much to heart and has accepted the offer and is now playing the role of consultant to Mastek in an effort to revive the firm that is absolutely low on revenue.

Wanted to reconnect with his two sons
Within two weeks of his iGATE exit, he revived Primentor, a consulting firm that he had founded after his Infy exit. In a month, he bagged his first client. There were multiple offers for the CEO role both from private and listed companies but it was a phase he wanted to reconnect with his two sons “For long, travel on work had come in the way of my relationship with my two kids and I did not spend enough time with them when they were growing up. I wanted to reconnect and better my relationship with them. Over the last decade, I have been able to do that and am at my closest with them now.”

The elder son is in an engineer role in a hot growing company while the younger one is an entrepreneur in the US. Would Phaneesh charge his son consulting for him. He is all smiles and says that he is delighted that his son has taken to entrepreneurship and is finding his feet in the corporate world.

Phaneesh in the 60s - For the Humanity
Phaneesh turned 60 year last year. So what’s in store this decade given that he does not want to be engaged in a full time role in a company as a CEO “I want to achieve as much as possible for humanity. I insist with the entrepreneurs that I consult with that the top 20 people should be given stocks that would make them millionaires and that 4-5% of the profits should go towards a charity of their choice.”

Phaneesh is not a big cricket buff but on the eve of the Indo Pak World Cup match he is organising a Charity Dinner with legends Zaheer Abbas and Sunil Gavaskar in New York. The funds raised there would go towards heart surgeries for kids (in India) with holes in their heart.

Phaneesh does not visit temples for he believes that God resides within. He says that the superior being is within and you need to connect with that inner self.  For decades, Phaneesh has been into at least one event every year that is out of his comfort zone. Bungee Jumping and Sky Jumping have probably given him a fearlessness to face all the challenges in life.

Feeling helpless in the corporate world
For all his inner strength and the way he has handled the challenges, did he ever crumble under the corporate pressure. His mind goes to a period just before his Infy exit “Following 9/11, there was a meltdown in the telecom sector. Telecom was a big segment for Infy. The markets were collapsing in front of my eyes and I just felt helpless. I was shaken out of bounds for I realised how quickly the world and the markets could change. The company had grown exponentially and for the first time in that phase it was registering slower growth. Customers had hit a wall.”

Phaneesh's exit soon after meant he could not see them through that phase.

The global financial crisis in 2008 was another phase that challenged him big time as a leader. iGATE had revived and was on a growth path when the global crisis hit the markets “I worked doubly hard for half the revenues. It was a crazy year at work and it showed the kind of unexpected things life could throw at you all of a sudden stumping all your great corporate strategies and five year plans.”

These were the only two events that caused a bit of stress but even these he says he handled with positivity “I had slogged both at Infosys and iGATE for I have enjoyed the challenges that life throws at you. Hard work and Smart work always bring results. 

Its well past 11pm in the night and his 10 year old daughter (through the former iGATE staffer - that relationship did not go through) is fast asleep by his side. Phaneesh has got into an informal understanding that the daughter would be with him for a certain period every month and he enjoys her company a great deal. 

It is a phase when he is having his best engagement with his three kids. And that is currently providing him with the greatest joy. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Therazhundur Aamaruviappan Brahmotsavam 2024

Vasan Bhattar anchors a revival of the Brahmotsavam to its historical grandeur
Vennaithaazhi and the Chariot Procession as praised by Thiru Mangai Azhvaar take place with great devotee interest
'Voyali on Wheels' as part of the Horse Vahana Procession is a new trend

It is a hot summer's day in May and the revered Vasan Bhattar is seen with a turban on his head as sweat beats down on his body in the sweltering heat during the Chariot Procession. He has at his outstanding best once again with his leadership and people management skills coming to the fore at the Vaikasi Brahmotsavam at the Devathirajan Divya Divya in Therazhundur.

Way back in 2008, this temple was in a bad shape. The physical infrastructure was in a dilapidated state. It was a phase when the temple did not have money to pay even the electricity charges and the connection was even disconnected for this reason. Vasan Bhattar had an internal drive to revive the fortunes of the temple. In the 1980s, his appa, Kannan Bhattar, who passed away a few years ago, asked him to take care of the temple and took a promise that he would perform Kainkaryam with sincerity and devotion and without financial returns in mind. That early phase in the 80s and 90s were challenging for Vasan Bhattar but he was determined to around the fortunes of the temple at the turn of the century.

He began training and mentoring teenagers Venkatesh Bhattar of Thiru Cherai ( and Srikanthan Bhattar of Sirupuliyur in addition to his son Hari Sundara Bhattar. The three of them have turned out to be outstanding students and have developed into specialists in specific areas in the temple space.

On Wednesday morning, standing in front of the Chariot, Vasan Bhattar told this writer that Srikanthan Bhattar has turned out into an alankaram specialist “I initiated him into alankarams and found him to be taking great interest in decorating the Perumal. Throughout this Brahmotsavam, he does the decoration of the Utsavar and each of the Thiru Kolams that one sees through the Utsavam is Srikanth’s work.”

சேடேறு பொழில் தவழும் எழில் கொள் வீதி 
திருவிழவில் மணி அணிந்த  திண்ணை தோறும் 
ஆடேறு மலர்க்குழலார் பயிலும் செல்வத்து 
அணி அழுந்தூர் நின்று உகந்த அமரர் கோவே 

Venkatesh Bhattar has turned into a Thiru Aradhanam and Homam specialist. Through the seven hours of the Chariot procession on Wednesday on the 9th day of the Utsavam, he was atop the Chariot performing archanai for devotees. Venkatesh Bhattar has been the right hand man for Vasan Bhattar for many years and has been a pillar of strength at all utsavams at Therazhundur.

Hari Sundar, who learned the agamas at Velukkudi Krishnan’s Patshala in Srirangam, is a specialist in Thirumanjanam and Samprokshanams. Every year, Vasan Bhattar performs consecration in at least 10 temples jointly with these three mentee priests.
These three were not the only support personnel for Vasan Bhattar. He roped in his 83 year father in law, Lakshmana Dikshithar, from Mannargudi to take care of the darshan at the Moolavar Sannidhi. With ‘Babu Dikshithar' as he is popularly known in the temple circles at the Sannidhi both in the morning and evening, Vasan Bhattar has been able to focus on the strenuous Brahmotsavam and all the challenges that come along with it.

On Wednesday morning for example, the optic fibre overhead wire on the East Street was not cut until 945am, a full 45minutes after the Chariot began its procession. Despite the presence of HRCE authorities and local politicians, it finally needed phone calls from Vasan Bhattar to get the desired result and for the Chariot to move on.

Srikanthan Bhattar and the Vennaithaazhi Alankaram
Its well past midnight on Monday. Soon after Devathirajan returned from the evening procession, Srikanthan Bhattar ( began a night long alankaram of the Lord that is one of the highlights of the festival. 
Srikanthan Bhattar told this writer on Tuesday morning even as scores of devotees looked in awe at the beautiful Vennaithaazhi alankaram that he owes it to Vasan Bhattar for mentoring him and giving him opportunities to decorate the Lord “With repeated presentations year after year, I have begun to like performing the various alankarams. Vasan Bhattar has reposed complete faith in me to decorate Aamaruviappan each day of this utsavam and I feel blessed to be the one assigned with this opportunity every year now for many years.”

Early in the morning, the one legged Srikanthan Bhattar heads back in his special TVS Scooty (presented to him last year by a Chennai based devotee) to Sirupuliyur to perform his daily archaka Kainkaryam at the Kripasamudram Divya Desam and he comes back after his service there for the late night alankaram.

Vasan Bhattar’s elder brother and Pancharathra expert Raman Bhattar ( too made his way to the Utsavam on this 8th day and he was there through the Chariot Procession as well. So too was his son Balaji, a Robotic expert, who performs Kainkaryam at the Utsavams at Therazhundur, Thiru Cherai and Thiru Nagai outside of his professional work.

Vasan Bhattar’s 2nd son has joined a global IT firm in a WFH model. He too performed Kainkaryam at this utsavam being part of the procession.

8th Morning of the Brahmotsavam- The Lord with the Butter
It is just past 6am on Tuesday as Aamaruviappan makes his way from the temple displaying his Vennaithaazhi alankaram. At every house on the north side of the temple tank, devotees present butter in good quantity and each of them just cannot away their eyes of the Lord
குணரால் மாறி தடுத்தவனை 
குழ வேழம் அன்று பொன்றாமை 
அத்தானுக்கு அருள் செய்த போரேற்றை 
அன்று ஆவின் நறு நெய் அமர்ந்து உண்ட
அணி அழுந்தூர் நின்றானை 
அடியேன் கண்டு கொண்டு நிறைந்தேனே

At the Thiru Mangai Azhvaar Sannidhi on the Sannidhi Street, the Prabhandham members begin the presentation of Therazhundur Paasuram of Thiru Mangai Azhvaar’s Thirumozhi. On this 8th day of the utsavam, it is customary for the Ghosti to begin with the verses on Therazhundur. The members are also presented with a brand new book comprising the verses of Desikar Prabhandham.

Through the three hour procession, devotees welcome Aamaruviappan at the entrance of their homes with butter.

Differences within Vadakalai Prabhandham members
A sour event of this morning’s procession was the difference of opinion within the Prabhandham members half way into the North Street. Only last week, this writer had featured a story on the ugly fight between Thenkalayars and Vadakalaiyars at the Brahmotsavam in Kanchipuram ( Just after 8am, one set of Vadakalai Prabhandham members wanted to take a detour to the newly built Andavan Ashram off the North street while another set of Vadakalai members refused to join and continued with their recital on the North street!!! The members who went to the Andavan Ashram stopped their recital and joined the other group a little later. Of course, Perumal did not make it to the new Ashram and he continued on his procession along the North Street.
Vasan Bhattar told this writer on Wednesday morning that he was not for any innovations during procession and HRCE’s instructions to him has been that no new routes should be added to the procession.

நீரில் பணைத்த நெடு வாளைக்கு
அஞ்சிப் போன குருகு இனங்கள்
ஆரல் கவுனோடு அருகு அணையும்
அணி ஆர் வயல் சூழ் அழுந்தூரே

It is the day of the utsavam when Aamaruviappan stays at the Ahobila Mutt through the day after the morning procession. Just past 11am, a Thirumanjanam was performed.

Horse Vahana - A Distinctive Posture
Late on Tuesday afternoon, Srikanthan Bhattar was back at the Mutt for the Raja Alankaram atop the Golden Horse Vahana. A distinctive feature of the alankaram is that Perumal is seen facing the devotees to the right of the horse as against the horse vahana processions in non chola regions where Perumal is facing forward in line with the horse. 
Hari Sundar Bhattar who was the archaka on this late night procession told this writer that in the padippu that takes place on the last day of the utsavam, the Lord is described as providing darshan solely for the devotees and that he wants them to have a full display of his alankaram. This is the reason Hari Sundar Bhattar says that Aamaruviappan has historically been facing the direction of the devotees during this Horse Vahana procession.

Tradition continues
Another historic tradition in remote villages continues to this day in Therazhundur. It is Tuesday and the day of the weekly Santhai. It is almost 9.30pm as Aamaruviappan majestically strolls around on to the South Street, those in several hundreds from the Vibrant Santhai have darshan. The wholesale market is abuzz and business is at its peak as the Lord makes his way past this business center on Tuesday night.

Voyali on Wheels!!!
Just after 9pm, a very interesting event took place at the East end of the Sannidhi street. Voyali on the Horse Vahana evening is popular across Divya Desams. Of course, in remote temples in Tamil Nadu, Perumal has over the last decade been carried on wheels during the street processions. But this one was indeed different. The Sripatham performed real fast paced Voyali on Wheels!!! After Perumal had been mounted on to the wheels and following the Prabhandham presentation of Thiru Mangai Azhvaar’s first set of verses of the Periya Thirumozhi, the Sripatham made three fast paced 200 meter laps back and forth from the Ahobila Mutt to near the Ther. It was a stunning exhibition of Voyali on Wheels that left Vasan Bhattar holding his breath for the Sannidhi Street is still a mud road!!!

The Prabhandham Ghosti move far too ahead
The Prabhandham members gather from different parts of the state for this utsavam and hence are not regulars at the temple through the year. Given this background, they went on to the North street during the Horse Vahana Procession even while Perumal was still in the South Street!!! Even right at the end, they had made their way back to the temple completing the Thirumozhi verses when Devathirajan had not yet turned on to the Sannidhi Street near the Ther. Throughout the morning and evening procession, there were those leading the recital, then a few of them behind leaving a gap of a few yards and then another third set of members even farther behind and constantly talking amongst themselves leading to no sync between the lead group and those far behind - such was the devotion of this Prabhandham group on the two street processions on the eighth day!!!

Interestingly, given their diverse backgrounds and joining together just for this utsavam, it was left to Vasan Bhattar to remind the Prabhandham members at the start of the Horse Vahana Procession that following the Vadinen Verses, they had to continue the Thirumozhi verses from where they had left off in the morning (i.e after the Thiru Kurungudi Paasuram)!!!

Past midnight - Raja Alankaram for the Chariot Procession
It was well past 11pm when Devathirajan made his way back to the temple on the Horse Vahana.  There were just a few hours to go before he was to make his way to the Chariot. After Venkatesh Bhattar dismantled the Lord from the Horse Vahana, Srikanthan Bhattar got to the Raja Alankaram well past midnight on Tuesday.
After just an hour’s sleep, Vasan Bhattar is back at the temple at 3.30am on Wednesday ahead of the Chariot procession. He has got such a well oiled machine running in this Divya Desam that every Kainkaryapara is on time including the Sripatham personnel, the nagaswaram troupe and the Theevatti. 

Sharp at 5am, Aamaruviappan makes a majestic march to the Chariot led in the front by the Prabhandham members reciting the Madal. At 5.45am, the Chariot takes a symbolic step forward before retiring for a few hours. Soon after, the Prabhandham members complete their presentation of Thiru Kurunthandagam and Thiru Nedunthandagam and Vasan Bhattar calls for Satru Murai. He had told this writer last year that the Chariot procession signifies the completion of their presentation and the final set of Tiruvoimozhi verses later in the evening is presented by his team as the Prabhandham members would have moved on by then. 
      Srikanthan and Vasan Bhattar

A century ago, people from 18 villages around Therazhundur landed up in the town on the day of the Chariot Festival to pull the Chariot along the four big streets during the Brahmotsavam to the beating of drums and the blowing of trumpets. It was a grand affair similar to the one narrated by Thirumangai Azhvaar in his Periya Thirumozhi. 

70 Year old TK Kannan who is now into farming and has been residing at the North end of the West street recalls his appa telling him that there were years when the Chariot would take four days to complete its procession “It was all muddy streets full of pits and holes. The Chariot would get stuck at many places during the procession. And would remain there through the night with the archaka standing guard. People came in from Melaiyur, Raghupathy Kattalam, Sennai Nallur And Thozhalakudi for the Chariot Festival. One person from every household was assigned to participate in the festival and each to make some contribution in terms of service during this festival. We used to be paid half a rupee for Sripatham service and were also provided sacred prasadam.”
He is happy that those days are behind us and that the Lord makes his in 4-5 hours around the four streets. Kannan has nostalgic memories of the good old days “The Sannidhi street was vibrant with 100s of Vaishnavite family. The North Street too was full of the traditional families who performed Kainkaryam at the temple. However, in both these streets, this has come down to about two families for all the traditionalists sold their homes and went away to bigger cities in search of jobs. It is only now that they are wanting to make a comeback.”

The Popularity of the Chariot Festival
Even a 1000 years ago, the Chariot Festival was popular at Therazhundur. Thirumangai Azhvaar in his Periya Thirumozhi says that big dust rose from the movement of the chariot along the wide streets of Therazhundur. The women were all excited as they lined up the porticos of their homes to watch the Lord in procession. They even used the smoke as perfume for their body.

பகலும் இரவும் தானே ஆய் 
பாரும் விண்ணும் தானே ஆய் 
நிகரில் சுடராய் இருள் ஆகி
நின்றார் நின்ற ஊர் போலும் 
துகிலும் கொடியும் தேர்த்துகளும் 
துன்னி மாதர் கூந்தல் வாய் 
அங்கிளின் புகையால் முகில் ஏய்க்கும் 
அணி ஆர் வீதி அழுந்தூரே

To invoke the blessings of the Lord for good rain ahead of the monsoon season, young Vedic Seers were seen performing fire sacrifices three times a day. It seemed as if the smoke from the fire sacrifice clouded the high sky. There was non-stop chanting of the Tamil and Sanskrit works by these Vedic Scholars. The conch blew on auspicious occasions almost as an alert to the devotees.

முந்தி வானம் மழை பொழியும்
மூவா உருவின் மறையாளர்
அந்தி மூன்றும் அலை ஓம்பும்
அணி ஆர் வீதி எழுந்தூரே

Vasan Bhattar told this writer that the EB folks had to disconnect the line across the four streets before the Chariot could start on its full procession and that the usual time from the East street was around 9am. In yet another new development, the Chariot was pulled out on to the East Street by two tractors.
However, on this Wednesday morning, after the EB personnel had cut off the lines, everyone found to their dismay that the fibre optic cable was hanging overhead at two points on the East Street. It was 9.45am when these two cables were brought down for the procession to continue. It was a hot and sultry day but the devotees had gathered in several hundreds to pull the chariot with great devotion. On the South street, the Chariot got locked into the Electricity post and the EB personnel had to intervene once again. It was past 11am when Devathirajan made his way on to the Mela Veethi.

After almost a seven hour procession, he came back to the Sannidhi Street well past 4pm on Wednesday. It was a long day for the devotees but all of them found great joy in pulling Aamaruviappan around the four streets.
     Vasan and Venkatesh Bhattar

For Vasan Bhattar and his team, it was great relief that the challenging Chariot Procession had been completed without too many scars though it took longer than expected today. For several decades till the start of this century, the big Chariot hadn’t run. The restoration of the Chariot was anchored by Vasan Bhattar and this has now become one of the popular days in the year with people all the nearby villages joining in large numbers to show their devotion.
It has been a great turnaround at this Divya Desam, one that has been fashioned completely by Vasan Bhattar with the help of his mentees. Vasan Bhattar reminds this writer that those like Venkatesh Bhattar and Srikanthan Bhattar are not paid any Sambhavanai for their Kainkaryam through the ten days of the utsavam, such is their devotional commitment to the Lord of Therazhundur.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Rajiv Lochan Sundaram Finance MD

In his three years, Rajiv has silenced his critics with an outstanding performance on all metrics achieving unprecedented growth momentum
Disbursements more than double, Profit up over 60%, Record Dividend, Stock at its all time high
Rajiv is a Professional you would like to be on your side - K. Balaji, Former MD, The Hindu
It was 2pm on Wednesday January 20, 2021. This writer the then PR for Sundaram Finance sent out a press release to announce the taking over of Rajiv Lochan as the MD of the company from April 1 that year. Most of the them were shocked – some said he would not last, a few remarked that the staffers would have to gear up for a round of lay offs. A fortnight later, a journalist asked him on the face at the quarterly (Q3) presser held for the first time in the company’s history as to what experience he had to lead such a legendary company. 

In that early phase, many journalists questioned his leadership qualities, only for this writer (the PR of the firm then) to challenge them that he would succeed beyond expectations and that most of them would have to eat their words. A Vaishnavite leader from Mylapore called at 11.30pm to ask if there would be trouble for the employees. A CEO of a global auto firm asked if his deposits would be at risk and if he should pull out!!! One Editor with great humility and professionalism said that if indeed he did, he would be happy to showcase the success (when it happened).

As luck would have it, Wave 2 of the Pandemic hit its peak soon after he took over as the MD and he was not able to meet his team members across the country for several months given the travel restrictions. He also lost his appa just ahead of his 80th birthday celebrations that Rajiv had planned for. His appa had been a  big guiding force in his life and his passing away all of a sudden was a big setback for him in that early phase as the MD. His phenomenal achievement over the last three years assumes even more significance against this backdrop. 

Stand out personality even as a teenager
Even as a young boy and a student of PSBB Nungambakkam, Rajiv was unfazed with criticisms and largely ignored his batchmate friends at Singaram Street (T. Nagar), those that would often pull his legs and imitate his distinctive English slang. In those early years, he rode BSA Mach 1, a racing cycle. In the recent decade, he has taken a liking to the Bullet. He was a cut above the rest and stood out in the gang. Unlike many of those friends on that street, he did not take a liking to cricket and with his height preferred sports such as Basketball.

South Zone cricketer and classmate through the schooling days LU Arun ( recalls Rajiv from those days in the 1980s "He was a brilliant student and a true all rounder -  Good in studies, played Basketball well, was terrific in debates and could deliver extempore speeches."
 With LU Arun, his classmate at PSBB

But this was a large shoe to step into. TT Srinivasaraghavan (TTS) had taken the company on a steady growth path over the previous two decades and had earned the respect of the large team, nationally. Questions were being asked if he was good enough to take that chair.  However, he had the big backing of his Vice Chairman Harsha Viji, the grandson of the founder of the company. It was also Harsha who took on the journalist at the presser that afternoon when asked about the credentials of Rajiv to lead a NBFC.

The Most Academically Qualified MD in SF's history
This writer (the then PR for the company) had told the outgoing MD in that phase in 2021 that Rajiv was easily the most academically qualified professional in the history of the company with his engineering degree at IIT, and the MS and MBA degrees from Prestigious Universities in the US.  Historically, the leaders at this company grew the business by 'wetting their feet' engaging closely with customers in remote locations. In a completely different context, Rajiv had told this writer during that one year period that there is always a first in life. 

He certainly did not have on the ground experience in the NBFC sector though he had been a  consultant in the financial sector for a few years and had also had a consulting engagement with SF. His appointment was indeed a first of its kind at SF.
But this was a phase when the next gen in the family Harsha Viji, who was taking over as the Executive Vice Chairman, made a bold move to appoint a leader with no hands on experience in the NBFC space and interestingly against the historic precedence in the company picking someone with overseas degrees and Big Five Consulting experience!!! Harsha knew Rajiv inside out having worked with him in the US and believed that he had it in him to take over the reins from TTS ( and to take this company into the next phase of growth. 

As a person, Rajiv has always had great respect for elders and tradition and now sports the sacred ash, something both he and the boys his age were shy to wear in the 1980s.  He also places a premium on values and those at SF are also close to his heart. When one of the senior staffers at The Hindu came to him to bid goodbye after his retirement, Rajiv fell at his feet seeking his blessings.

The Hindu Experience
Rajiv valued every firm he worked for. He was the first non family member to be inducted into The Hindu Board. Prior to that, he had stints at McKinsey, American Express and US Airways after having started off as a summer intern at the World Bank. In his early media interactions in 2021-22, he stressed on how blessed he was to have worked for firms with great history and now this NBFC, one of the oldest and certainly the most respected in the country. 

Early into his stint, he told Raghuvir Srinivasan, Business Line's Editor in an interaction on his experience at The Hindu "It was very enriching and my most character building experience was there. It prepared me for life. It taught me the importance of having the trust of the target audience. Imagine sending the paper by an aircraft to reach it on time to your readers. It takes hell of a lot of effort to keep your readers. The importance of the employee connect and them being the most precious resource was a big learning. The art of motivating people, treating them the right way was a massive learning and the constant quest to keep improving."

"The Hindu was the first on many things. Similarly SF has been the first on many things (EMI was first introduced by SF, Credit scores/ assessment was first done by SF). There are a number of commonalities with Sundaram Finance. There is always a quest for the next new innovation difference that we can make. The mindset of doing things that would outlive one. Then there is the philosophy of ensuring that everything is for the customer and for the long haul", he told BL in September 2021.

A Balanced Approach grounded in reality
TN Ranji cricketer from the 1970s and former MD of The Hindu K Balaji ( has known Rajiv for almost a decade and a half having also watched him from close quarters during the latter's stint as the MD of The Hindu through the middle of the last decade. 
Balaji says that Rajiv has a sharp intellect and a capacity to understand the nuances of any proposition quite quickly. "He brings to bear a balanced approach to work and life that is grounded in reality. He speaks and acts with a strong conviction but is ready to listen to the other point of view. Rajiv's work ethic and value system are qualities that I am able to relate to very well. He is a professional you would like to be on your side", Balaji told this writer on Sunday evening.

Straight Forward and a Disciplined Leader
"He was a nice, straight forward person, who was very vocal in his views" says Arun, who worked at Infosys for over two decades, recalling Rajiv from the 1980s. Rajiv has remained so into his Sundaram Finance days. He has not held back from expressing his views on topics that are close to his heart. He is on your face and blunt with his feedback as most of his team members would have found out by now but he is also a very honest and friendly man. 

Very disciplined and a Sergeant
There is also a certain discipline about him and the way he goes about his work, a characteristic that his school mate and now a successful global entrepreneur Promodh Sharma ( distinctly remembers as a distinguishing feature of Rajiv's childhood and a reason for his outstanding success "He was an ardent NCC Cadet and a leader there. He was very disciplined and well regarded among his mates, features that led him to gaining acceptance as a Sergeant."

Pacing up the Disbursements Growth
During the first year of his stint as the MD, Rajiv repeatedly spoke about taking the company into a faster pace of growth and a trajectory of  at least 18% from the 12% or so that had existed previously. He was tech savvy and saw data analytics as an important factor in identifying growth opportunities for the business. Coincidentally the next gen at the customer end too had become tech savvy and comfortable with the digital media as contrasted with the customers in the past who needed a lot of hand holding. 

Strengthening and Expanding non South markets
TTS had laid a strong foundation during his stint expanding the company North of the Vindhyas. In 2005, he had (in)famously shot back at a journalist who asked as to why the company continued to remain South based ‘If having a branch 50 kms off the Pak border is South based, then so be it’, he retorted in his typical style. 

Rajiv has consciously focused on markets outside of the South, and the contribution especially from the North and West has gone up during the last three years (the last story that this writer did as the PR for the company was one of him pushing the pedal on the non South markets and getting the disbursements up in those regions).
May 30, 2022

Unprecedented Growth
The company annual results for FY24 were out on Friday and Rajiv’s three year performance has been outstanding. From just over Rs. 800crores, the net profit has shot up to Rs. 1454crores (Rs. 1334cr without exceptional profit), a significant jump indeed. The receivables under management has gone up almost 50% from just over Rs. 35000cr to over 51000cr. AUM has touched almost Rs. 44000cr, again registering a strong growth from 2021(just over Rs. 30000cr). 

Disbursements, which has always been a key metric, has grown leaps and bounds in his tenure to over Rs. 26000cr from around Rs. 11000cr at the time he took over. During the one year that this writer engaged with him as the PR, Rajiv repeatedly spoke about gaining market share as one of his prime objectives. And he has done that remarkably well increasing the market share in all the asset classes. From an investor’s point of view, the dividend percentage has shot up in the last couple of years as has the stock price which has more than doubled taking it new highs.

Interestingly, the staff count has gone up to over 7000 much against the predictions of his sceptics.
Not many would have given him a chance to take Sundaram Finance on such an unprecedented growth path having also taking over at the peak of the Pandemic (Wave 2) when everything seemed to be working against you but Rajiv is a silent achiever and has always been one. He has scored extraordinarily on almost all counts during these three years. He is a hard task master and high on technology as his team mates would have come to know by now but that is to be expected of one who has always raised the bar in his life right from his schooling days. It has been a great journey for him from being a Consultant in a big five firm (he was one of the founding members of McKinsey's Chennai Practice) to being a hugely successful leader at this legendary NBFC.  

In this short period of three years, he has catapulted this traditional and historically cautious firm into new highs on every front.  In his first year as the MD, he spoke about the company @ 75 and what he needs to plan and do on different fronts ahead of that big year that will come up at the end of the decade.  He is an ambitious man and it is likely that he would have set his sights far and high for that milestone year. And knowing him, he will do everything within his fold to  take Sundaram Finance on a strong growth path leading to the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.

(This writer handled the PR for Sundaram Finance for two decades from the early 2000s including for a year after Rajiv took over as the MD)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Kanchi Varadar Brahmotsavam Thenkalai Vadakalai Issues

Vaishnavite Sects came to knocks again on Friday during the Brahmotsavam reminding one, of the remarks made by the Muslim Judge in 1967
Photo from Thathachariar Vasudevan

It is Friday (May 24) afternoon and the 5th day of the Vaikasi Brahmotsavam at the Varadaraja Perumal temple in Kanchipuram. This writer, who was just back after experiencing a set of issues on the final evening of the Vasantha Utsavam at the Ranganathaswamy temple in Srirangam (, received a video from a Kainkaryapaka at the Varadar temple that is highly disturbing. In the video, one of this writer’s favourite Prabhandham members at Thiruvallikeni is seen using foul words and  making a gesture to kick him before he was calmed down by his team members. Irrespective of the right and wrong of the two sides, it was saddening to see a Prabhandham member who recites with great devotion at the highest tone at the street processions at Thiruvallikeni use such language to take on the other side.

An hour later, another video from Kanchipuram shows a Vadakalai member grabbing the mobile phone from a Thenkalai who was recording the sacred recital of the Vadakalai group and throwing it down on the ground.

Muslim Judge makes an important observation
These two incidents took one back to the judgement in September 1967, interestingly of a Muslim judge Kamaluddin on the Mantra Pushpam issue that was the subject matter of the hearing that year.

While he gave a specific order relating to that issue, he ended his order raising a very important matter that bears resonance to the above two incidents on Friday. The Judge in his final remark said “Before I conclude, I observe that it is sad and strange that in these days when great philosophers think and talk of one world community and one world religion, these two sects of a great religion should continue to fight over small differences in rituals over such a long time. Such disputes can and should be easily resolved by amicable settlement between the parties.”
   Photo from Thathachariar Vasudevan

This section had pointed out many years ago that the heads of the Thenkalai and Vadakalai Mutts should discuss and resolve this issue and that the Mutts should also restrain their disciples from abusive conduct on the ground in full public view ( . 

55 years after the 1967 judgement nothing seems to have changed and the  fight is still on over the same issues. 

Mantra Pushpam Issue at Kanchipuram in the 1960s
Way back in the 1960s, the issue that came up before the Judge was about the duration and the tone of the Mantra Pushpam recital. The issue was brought to the attention of the court that when the Prabhandham recital was going on, the mantra pushpam kattiyam was being presented in a high tone and without a time restriction in a way to disturb the Thenkalai Adyapakas.

In that order in 1967, Judge Kamaluddin directed that the mantra pushpam service by its very nature should be restricted to a maximum of 15 minutes and the recital should take place in a low tone and pitch. 

The current Brahmotsavam at the Varadaraja Perumal temple has seen another year without the presentation of the Nalayira Divya Prabhandham. The Thenkalayars feel aggrieved that while the Prabhandham recital ( rights belonging to them) has been stopped during the Brahmotsavam, the court restraint orders relating to the vedic recital and the restrictions on stotrams to not be recited during Mantra Pushpams is not being followed. 

The fight between the two sects has continued on the ground like it did in the 1960s with each sect trying to showcase the wrongs of the other now with the assistance of the modern gadgets by capturing the acts on the video instead of resolving the issues amicably through internal discussions. And this does not augur well for the Vaishnavite community. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Srirangam Vasantha Utsavam 2024

The final day of the 9day Vasantha Utsavam was meant to be a grand finale to the year’s events at the Ranganathaswamy temple but the evening turned out to be a damp squib
No Chitrai Veethi procession, No Theerthavari in the Chandira Pushkarani and yet the Utsavam ended at 2.15am well over 9 hours after Namperumal left his abode at 5pm on Thursday evening
Celebrated in Vaikasi, the 9day Vasanthotsavam festival in Srirangam sees Namperumal, the Utsavar deity of Lord Ranganatha temple, enjoying the evenings at the Vasantha Mandapam in the middle of the water pool in the beautiful Nandavanam created by Thondaradi Podi Azhvaar ( The Nandavanam was so beautiful that when Thirumangai Azhvaar was in the process of building the now famous ‘Mathil’ of Srirangam, he slightly changed the direction of his construction on the Western side so as to not destroy any part of the Nandavanam (

Speciality of Vasantha Kaalam
Vasantha Kaalam is a period that brings in a nice breeze in the evenings, flowers including the colourful Vritchi blossom and a time that is neither too hot nor too wet with rains. It is believed that Namperumal's stay amidst the breezy trees and in the middle of the tank in the Nandavanam gave Lord him a lot of happiness. The belief is that one will be liberated from his curse if he drinks the sacred water of the Lord during the Vasantha Utsavam. For this reason, it is said that those who visit and offer their prayers to Lord Namperumal during this festival will find a new sense of happiness.
enroute to the Vasantha Mandapam - A forlorn look on Thursday night

Daasi Community- Dance Performance
In centuries gone by, people belonging to the Daasi Community were honoured during the Vasanthotsavam with a garland of the Lord. They were believed to have lit the lamp and performed a special dance in front of the Lord at the Vasantha Mandapam. They resided on the VOC Road in Srirangam, but do not anymore and hence this special performance during the Vasanthotsavam does not take place these days.

Vasantha Utsavam - The Final Day events 
The original programme on the last evening of the Vasantha Utsavam was for Namperumal to go on a procession on the golden horse vahana around the Chitrai Streets, experience the Thiruvanthikaapu at the Thayar Sannidhi before continuing on the Chitrai street procession. Coming back to the temple via the Therku Vasal, Theerthavari was to be performed at the Chandira Pushkarani before he makes his way to the Vasantha Utsavam Mandapam for Thirumanjanam.
Rain dampens spirit
A light drizzle in the evening led to the cancellation of the Chitrai Streets procession much to the disappointment of the devotees who gathered in good numbers. Namperumal, atop the Golden Horse Vahana, left his abode at 5pm with the Prabhandham Thodakkam taking place by the side of the Ranga Vilas mandapam and he made his way alongside the Nandavanam on the Western side to the Ranganayaki Thayar Sannidhi for Thiruvanthikaappu.

Shatari protected by two canopies
A short burst of rain while he was in front of the Thayar Sannidhi meant that the Theerthavari could not be performed at the Chandira Pushkarani and Namperumal made his way alongside the 1000 pillared mandapam and the Ramanuja Sannidhi to the Garuda Sannidhi. Harish Bhattar, the hereditary archaka of the day who carried the Sacred Shatari, was escorted with a twin canopy so as to protect the Shatari from the drizzle.

Temple Maniyakarar R Sridharan ( told this writer late on Thursday night that since the seventh prakara procession  could not take place because of the rain, Namperumal made his way a full circle around the fifth prakara.

Theerthavari in front of Garuda Mandapam
Theerthavari was performed in front of the Garuda Sannidhi even as the Prabhandham Ghosti members continued their presentation of the Ramanuja Nootranthi Verses. It was past 8pm when after the satru murai of these sacred verses Namperumal made his way to the entrance of the Garuda Sannidhi.
It was 9pm when the Rakshana Bandana Bhattar Sridhar began a highly devotional two hour Thirumanjanam for Namperumal in front of the Garuda Sannidhi watched by about 50 devotees. It was to be a glorious night of Thirumanjanam at the Vasantha Mandapam amidst the tall trees on this Pournami Night. The full moon gave a glimpse of herself once in a while before going into hiding behind the clouds.
Veda Vyasa Bhattar's elaborate Kattiyam
With the Thirumanjan performed and completed just after 11pm, Veda Vyasa Bhattar, in his loud and strikingly clear voice, began an elaborate 45minute Kattiyam presentation that included several verses from Azhvaar’s paasurams. And then he was back again for a detailed Veda Vinnappam that sent the clock ticking well past 1am.

It was 1.30am when Namperumal began his return trip to his abode  led by the tunes of Pilot Araiyar Baradwaj Krishnan with his cymbals ( but it was not over yet. As seen in a story a few months in this section, Padippu Sridhar began a 25minute presentation highlighting the greatness of the Ranganatha temple and the utsavam in his Padippu in front of the Dwajasthambam (
After over 9 hours, Namperumal made his way through the Naazhi Kettan Vaasal reaching his abode at 2.15am bringing to end the nine-day Vasantha Utsavam and also an end to the year’s utsavams at Srirangam.

The sign board detailing the schedule of the evening at the entrance of the Ariya Bhattal Vaasal indicated that Namperumal would be back at the Moolasthanam at midnight but even without the 4 streets procession and the Theerthavari at Chandira Pushkarani, the final evening’s events at the Vasantha Utsavam took over 9 hours and a return back past 2am!!! The temple authorities should look into the reasons for such a late return to the Gayathri mandapam.

The next big street procession will be to mark Aadi 18 when Namperumal makes his way to Amma Mandapam.