Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Peri Azhvaar Protection from impure thoughts

We have impure thoughts and utter harsh words every day and hence have no right to go back to God

Yet, we have no choice but to sing praise of him and seek redemption!!

Peri Azhvaar follows up his advance prayer for help in time of need (http://prtraveller.blogspot.in/2014/12/periyaazhvaar-prays-in-advance-to-lord.html)
by now pleading helplessness given the impure state of our mind. .
வாக்குத்  தூய்மைஇலாமையினாலே மாதவா உன்னை
வாய்கொள்ள மாட்டேன்

நாக்கு நின்னை அல்லால் அறியாது
நான் அது அஞ்சுவன் என்வசம் அன்று

He says that we are impure in our thoughts and words and that it is pointless to  go in front of God and sing his praise after having uttered those harsh words and having had not so good thoughts through the day.

But  at the same time, he asks what else do we know and what choice do we have at the end of the day other than thinking of God and seeking his protection by singing his praise.

It is likely that God will be angry at this lack of purity in our thoughts as well as our mindless choice of words.

Despite this, we have no choice but to go and redeem ourselves by singing his praise and to hope that he will forgive us.

மூர்குப்  பேசுகின்றான் இவன் என்று
முநிவாயேலும் என் நாவினுக்கு ஆற்றேன்

காக்கை வாயிலும் கட்டுரை கொல்வர்
காரணா கருளக்  கொடியானே

There is no doubt we are foolish for we go to him after having committed the mistakes.
But we cannot just shut our mouth with the the guilt of having uttered these wrong words and stay away from him.

Peri Azhvaar justifies this and provides us an opportunity to redeem ourselves by saying that even a crow's words are seen as an omen.

Given this, we too have to seek his blessings to help us have pure thoughts and utter the right words in our everyday lives...

- Peri Azhvaar Thirumozhi 5-1-1

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